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Chapter 8, Jealousy

Baekhyun's pov

I was angered and furious when i saw the love of my life came home with a guy, someone whom i treasure, whom i just found after so many years to actually return home with a guy on her first day of school. "Who was that guy that send you back home just now? Is that why you didn't accept my driver to pick you up? You were busy chatting with a guy and it is only your first day of school!" I bombard her with question. She looked shocked, afraid and it is not the expression that i want to get it from her and i never had the intention of hurting her. 

But she decided to stand firm and replied me confidently, i repeat tried "that was Taehyung a friend from school, he was just being nice to send me back home." 

'So Taehyung is his name and i have a feeling that me and him are going to see each other very often and that is what i am afraid of, losing Hyejin forever.'

"Is that why you rejected my offer in sending my driver over to pick you up? When you could be send back by a guy when you knew that i don't like you being around with any of them?" after saying that sentence she looked even more furious and she just walked away without explaining or answering my questions and this is the reason why i hate arguing with her, she always walks off leaving me alone. 

"ANSWER ME KIM HYEJIN! DON'T WALK AWAY FROM ME LIKE YOU ALWAYS HAD!" I shouted without taking a turn she shouted back "THIS IS THE REASON WHY I ALWAYS WALK AWAY IS BECAUSE YOU ARE JEALOUS OF THE SLIGHTEST THING, YOU NEVER TRUSTED ME AS YOUR GIRLFRIEND AND WHY DO YOU CARE NOW? WE ARE NEVER TOGETHER ANYWAY!" without saying anything else she stormed away to her room and bang the door shut leaving me stranded in the leaving room.

'I knew that i have really bad anger management when it comes to hyejin i just love her too much to lose her again, after 5 years she is back in my arms not officially but at least i know she is safe with me.'

With me being a stubborn hard headed i stormed away to  my room as well not caring what just happened, i decided to let her cool down.

It's been hours since the both of us are locked in our rooms and no one dared to open the door and made the first move to apologize but being a guy and a gentlemen and the way i treated her just now i believe i have to be the one to make the first move and say sorry.

I went downstairs and started preparing dinner and after all these years i know that Hyejin will never come down unless it is food. I cooked a scrumptious meal of pancakes (don't judge pancakes can be eaten for dinner too) Hyejin love pancakes it's her favorite of all. Pairing up with hot chocolate i brought it up to her room, i stood outside and decided to men up and knock "baby will you open up for me please? i know what i said just now was terrible and i am very sorry for shouting at you and i always have trusted you no matter what." I waited, waited for any sign of reply but no silence was around us.

"Baby i know that you are hurt and i am hurt too, i was just scared of losing you, losing you to someone else. I waited 5 years for you baby only you one one else." i was on the urge of crying, tears were forming in my eyes ad was preparing to fall. I waited again and the only thing i heard was cries and cries and i couldn't take it anymore. I left the try of food right outside her door with a note and i went out wherever my emotions takes me too.

Hyejin's pov

Baekhyun apologized but i can't bring myself to open the for him no matter how much i tried to stand and open the door but i kept remembering how much trust he put in me, so less that it's not him anymore. I was hungry and i could smell that Baekhyun was cooking pancakes my favorite, after what it felt like hours of waiting i heard the front door shut close and i am very sure that Baekhyun has left the house.

I decided it's time to open my door and when i did i saw a tray of pancakes with hot chocolate with a note on the side saying 'I waited and i will be waiting if that is what it takes' and i cried.

Hey guys!

It's been about a year and i apologize for being away for so long and never once updated and i hope you guys like the new chapter! Please Support! -xoxocryz

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