I'm sorry

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Chapter 3 - I'm sorry

Baekhyun's pov

"I'm going to the washroom" and she left running off to the washroom with tears dropping like rain drops.
I don't know what's wrong with her she was the one who left me few years ago all alone, I should be the one crying my ass off after seeing her but I kept it to myself the love I have for her overwhelms the emotions I'm having.

I decided that standing here won't help with anything so I went after her.

"Hey baby, are you in there? Can we talk?" Knocking on the cubicle door endlessly wasn't helping and ain't answering. "Leave me alone!"
Was what she said.

"I don't know what's wrong with you okay, I don't know why you are crying really badly right now but please come out and get you some food and than we can talk and I will listen to whatever you have to say?"
"Please?" - Baekhyun

With that she came out looking like... Well I wouldn't say the most prettiest looking but almost there.

"You said we will go and eat first right? So let's go!" And she walked off leaving me there staring at her.
"Yup food will always get Hyejin going"

"Are you coming or not? Or are you just going to stand there and keep staring at me?" Well the Highness isn't in a very pleasant mood today....
"I was just looking how beautiful you have been after all these years."

"Will you stop with the cringy comments and let's get going?"

We drove off to one of my favourite restaurants down the street while in the car Hyejin decided to end the awkwardness "why did you bring me back here?"
"Don't you miss me when you were there? I missed you so much that I have you with me again" messing with her is always fun, I hate seeing her wrinkle her forehead when she is deep in thoughts.
"Will you be serious for a minute?"as she turn to look at me as we stared at each other eyes. "Fine don't answer, you are just going to say a ridiculous thing again" and she turn away looking out of the window, such a Moody person.
"Well I was serious at what I said just now baby, I brought you back because I missed you too much"

Things were getting overly emotional we decided to drop the subject and focus on Hyejin's favourite thing to do which is food.

As we entered the restaurant it owns by one of my best friends whom Hyejin also knows from High School Park Chanyeol.
"Hey byun it's been a while since you came, you promise you will visit the other day." a slight pout was shown on his face, he is 25 but still acts like a baby giant.
"Sorry I have been busy lately but I'm here right now right?" That brought his smile back before he looks at the person standing beside me with a wide eyed expression "KIM HYEJIN? is it really you? This Bacon finally found you?" Chanyeol and Hyejin were pretty close back then, they would always hang out whenever we were together and it made me really jealous but we were all best friends so there is nothing to worry about anyway Chanyeol have his own girlfriend back then. But not anymore.

"Yeah it's me you giant head can we please get to our table now?"
as she rolled her eyes before Chanyeol asked a waiter to guide her before turning looking at me curiously with full of questions "I know what you are thinking and yes I found her but let's talk another time alright, I'm hungry so please let me eat first." And that pout came back, will he ever learn that he looks horrible doing that.
"You promise you will explain next time?" With a pinky stinking out at me waiting to be locked and I look back at him shaking my head walking to my table before I say "yeah yeah alright, stop doing things that will chase the girls away you look really idiotic doing that" and he stood straight and shouted "girls faint when I do this" before stomping off to whereever he needs to go. And he owns this restaurant can you believe it?

"Sorry about him but I'm sure you haven't seen him in awhile right? So I brought you here" and Hyejin nods before she chuckles and said "well his ears did grew a little bit after I left" and she kept laugh thinking about how the giant looks with those huge ears sticking out. 'It's great to see her smile and laugh again, I guess it's the first time she laughed since she arrived'

The waiter came and took our orders while we wait for our food to arrive,
"So how is your dad doing back in America now since you are here?" I ask as I kept thinking whether he will be fine there even though he treated her really badly as how Hyejin described but he is still her father.
"He will be fine I guess, he will find a way to stay alive I'm sure" as I can see that she doesn't wants to talk about it any longer and that this subject is really sensitive.

With the food that have been settled on the table in front of them the both of them dig in but without knowing Hyejin was staring at Baekhyun and she kept thinking
'Why are you so caring towards me? When you was the reason that I left?'

Chapter 3 is up guys, sorry for not updating daily. It's quite a short chapter sorry. But Thank you for reading!

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