New Memories pt 2.

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Part 2 is finally updated! I would like to thank everyone for constantly giving me positive feedback and supporting all my books. I will work hard to finish up this book! 화이팅! ♡        -xoxocryz

Hyejin's pov

Baekhyun was being weird throughout the day, from making my favourite pancakes and not wanting me to help at all to doing the dishes asking me to get changed. Now we are in his car on the road to 'a place I know nothing about' . He have been douching all my questions calling it a surprise and there are nothing for me to worry about but to just enjoy. 

After much driving, we have arrived at our destination. I looked out of the window and started getting all excited because we have arrived at an amusement park. It has been some time since I actually been to an amusement park. I quickly turn towards Baek and asked "Baek,it's the Amusement Park. Did you bring us here today?"he nodded and I gave the biggest squealed and quickly got got out of the car not wanting to waste any precious time. Baekhyun came out of the car before locking it and held my hand as we made our way towards the entrance. 

We entered the park and I mentally squealed because we are finally here to have some fun and with the love of my life 'he do not need to know that yet'  As we went further in many people surrounded the place as voices were screaming many families were seen laughing and enjoying themselves, I looked around and found a souvenir shop that sold many plushies and headbands. 'What's an amusement park date without wearing headbands all day and taking many cute little photos right?'  I drag Baekhyun towards the shop and selected different headbands trying to put it on his head, he shook his head not wanting to try them on "Come on baek! Just this once, please?" I slightly showed my pout as Baekhyun rejected my offer of looking cute together, it has always been my dream to have this cute little dates. (It is actually the author-nim's dream T.T) Knowing how affected my pout it is to him, he quickly took the headband from my hands and place it on his head, looking through the mirror he smiled as he whispered which I barely catch on "The things I do for you, baby" I giggled as I took the another headband with the same design and place it on my head. I moved myself standing beside him looking through the mirror together as I linked my arm to his as we smiled at one another taking cute pictures.

Throughout the day we were making our way around the park as we tried different rides available, it was funny the whole time as I watched Baekhyun screaming and wanting to get down from the rides

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Throughout the day we were making our way around the park as we tried different rides available, it was funny the whole time as I watched Baekhyun screaming and wanting to get down from the rides. Forgetting how much Baek hates amusement park rides and now thanks to his screaming I was reminded of our old amusement park date where I first found out that Baekhyun was not able to ride Roller Coasters due to his fears. But it is cute to see how the current Baekhyun trying to act tough not wanting me to captured his little girlish side. 


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As the day past, we got really tired and decided to have some ice cream to cool ourselves down and relax. Interlacing our hands together as we searched for any ice creams stall around. We found one and bought our ice creams, Baekhyun got strawberry flavoured and I had cookies and cream flavoured. 

(Okay, this is how I was imagining their date was going to be, with the headbands and ice cream, so cute!!!) 

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(Okay, this is how I was imagining their date was going to be, with the headbands and ice cream, so cute!!!) 

Suddenly Baekhyun interrupted my lovely precious ice cream when he suggested for us to take some photos as he saw a photobooth available. "Baby look! It's a photobooth, come on!" he quickly took my hands in his as he drag me towards the booth with ice creams still in our hands. He assist me into the booth with him coming behind, we took a sit as he insert the money needed for the booth. We waited for it light up as we select the kind of photos we would want our photos to be like. "Baek, I wanted the monotone theme, it looks way nicer that way" I argued as he chose the scrolled around the theme "But baby, this is way cuter" he argued back selecting a theme with more colours in it looking too bright. Agreeing with it not wanting to argue much as we quickly took our positions as started posing for the pictures. After showing different cute poses, the last picture was going to be taken I stood still not knowing what kind of pose to do just yet, when the timer started chanting I panicked but I felt him putting his hands around my waist in a back hug and place his lips on my cheek as the countdown stops and the picture was taken. 

HOW CUTE CAN IT BE PLEASE!!!!!! I'm so excited to post this chapter. 

Please comment down how do you feel about this chapter and please vote for it! Thank you -xoxocryz

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