Met Before

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Hyejin's pov

It's a good day in school everything was going smoothly, I got my school work done early which was suppose to be out homework for today but I decided to get it done during our free period and now I'm glad that I actually did so I could spend my time with my Baek later.

I was spending some time alone today as I was preparing to go back home knowing Baekhyun will be coming to pick me up soon, I was walking towards my locker when I saw Taehyung standing by my locker probably waiting for me? I approach him with a smile as it's been awhile I got to spend some time with him.

'He is the only friend I have in this school'

Taehyung has been very busy these few days with many school activities to attend as he is the School President, he would greet me "Good Morning" before leaving to do whatever he needs, to be honest I kind of miss him around in class he would always make things full of fun in class since I have no friends around. "Hey Taehyung, what are you doing here?" as I approach him opening up my locker to place my unwanted books for the day. He turn around smiling back before saying "Hi Hyejin, I was just waiting for you to end class so I could send you back home today. I know I have been very busy lately and I want to make up for those days. So may I?" he asked me with a genuine smile which I can't resist but the thing is Baekhyun is coming down to pick me from school and Taehyung still doesn't know about the relationship I have with Baekhyun he thinks that I am still leaving my rich brother.

I know I should be feeling really bad to lie to my only friend that I have right now but its a past I don't like bringing up even when I am with Baekhyun.

"Sorry Taehyung I would really appreciate it but I have someone coming to pick me up today" I tried explaining hopefully he gets the hint of me not wanting to go back home with me because I know I need to explain a lot of things from the questions he is gonna ask why I have been skipping school even when I am the new student here. "Is it your brother decided to give you your very own driver so you won't have to walk home anymore" he joked I laughed awkwardly as I said "Hmm nope, it's just someone else coming over, I really have to go now the person should probably been waiting for me" Before I could try to get away as far as possible he stopped me "Wait, I will walk you there" and before I could say anything to stop him he had already started pulling me to the carpark. As we were walking side by side to where Baekhyun is waiting for me I couldn't help but think how will Baekhyun react to my only friend in school being a guy as I know he is a very possessive guy and hates it when I am around guys but Taehyung has been very supportive of me when no one seems to want to get close to me in class, even the teachers seems scared.

"Is that your brother?" I was interrupted from my thoughts as Taehyung turn his head to look at me as I realised we were standing just right in front of Baekhyun but what I didn't realised was that Baekhyun and Taehyung seems to have some sort of a glaring contest because both of them have their fist clenched and a lot of anger coming out of them which I do not know why.

'Do they know each other, with the 5 years that I left did anything happen?'

Baekhyun decided to approach us before looking at me and pulling my hand away without looking at Taehyung "lets go Hyejin" and he pulled me away without saying much to Taehyung, I was gonna introduce them together but it seems like Baekhyun is rushing somewhere today. "Wait Baekhyun, I want to introduce you to my friend" I tried stopping him from walking further towards the car but Baekhyun gave me a look saying "let's go Hyejin and don't get me started with why you are doing with him" and I was shocked why is he so angry all of a sudden? He was so excited to pick me up from school today during our call when I had a break but now its different. Before we can get any further "Byun Baekhyun you might want to let go of her and Hyejin you didn't tell me your brother is Baekhyun all along?" and I was shocked not knowing where this is going and how did Taehyung knew Baekhyun, his full name even. "What brother?" Baek ask as Taehyung came even closer as they stood opposite of each other glaring their eyes out "Nice meeting you again Byun, didn't expect you to have a sister without telling me all along?" and I was still blank what is going on?

"So you are the new friend that Hyejin has been hanging out in school? I should have known. Who said we are siblings? Didn't you tell your precious friend Hyejin that we are together in a relationship nothing to do with being brothers and sisters" Baekhyun smirked as Taehyung stood there glaring even harder with his fist clenched even tightly, "you lied Hyejin? It's okay I'm not shock. It's just really sad that Hyejin isn't even confident with this relationship that you are having that she had to lie to me. I kind of knew that she was dating you all along and you want to know how that day when I send her back home she pointed to stop her at a huge house down the street without her knowing I knew whose house it belongs to and it wasn't for Byun freaking show off here. And when she told me it's her brothers house I knew she was lying because I know this jerk here doesn't have any siblings as he is the only heir to his parents but I kept quiet waiting for you to explain to me Hyejin and I took the opportunity today knowing he is going to pick you up. I decided to walk you here. And now we both get again, how long has it been Byun? From her expression it seems like you didn't let her know about our past did you? Taehyung confessed and I was still standing frozen not knowing what to do or what to say.

'How did they know each other? What happened between them? Why are they hating each other so much?' I have so many questions
That's all guys! So hi everyone I'm back updating "She's Only Mine" okay before you all start asking me questions I know I said you guys I wanted to quit and stop everything, my books, my Instagram fanfic account and my wattpad account and it still stand I felt like I should at least finish this book first to respect my responsibility and my precious readers for ditching them halfway is bad. So I decided to continue and these few days I have got a few positive comments asking me to stay positive and to keep going and I'm glad because this comments cheered me up. Thank you!

With love -xoxocryz

Congratulations Don't Mess Up My Tempo first win! 🏆 🏆 🏆

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