No other choice

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Chapter 2 - No other Choice

Hyejin's pov

I didn't have a choice I have to accept baekhyun's offer, I ran away from Korea when I was just 19 which was 5 years ago. Baekhyun and I go way back since high school when we dated we were a very happy couple but all shattered to pieces after graduation when I heard his conversation with his friends. I ran away never looking back following my dad to a new home which is now hell to me.

My mom passed away when I was a little girl and my father is a single parent, he was the best dad in the world when we were in Korea he would do anything for me and I was daddy's little girl. But everything changed when we step into America, his company went bankrupt and he started drinking swallowing his sorrows to himself before lashing out on me and I had no other choice but to work to feed my dad and myself.

I distracted myself in those few years away from him, I never forgot about baekhyun. I had to juggle 2-3 jobs and school and my dad, everything was a struggle. But when Baekhyun found me and took it all away from me I was furious, anger was building inside of me after all these years he was still a selfish jerk.

But I had no other choice but to agree just two years with his help, I can get back on my feet again. I just need to finish my education and I could find a suitable job to provide for my dad and myself.

-back to the story-

"You will have to move in with me today since I know you have nowhere else to go but before that, I need you to sign these." I was curious at his sentence? What kind of papers is that?

"What is that? You are asking me to sign papers? What do you expect me to run again?" I was angered again, my trust to him was long gone but doesn't mean he needs me to be his slave.

"Baby I have always trusted you but I can't risk you running away again, this is a contract between just you and me. For just two years and it will end, it's simple" baekhyun smirk, I swear I never trusted that look. He sure has something up his sleeves.

I snatch the papers from him and decided to sit in front of him, looking through the papers and it was like 50 pages what kind of contract is this?

"Do you really have to read them? Are you scared?" Baekhyun asked as a sense of curiosity since I have been staring at it for 10 minutes now

"I am not scared of you, don't tempt me, Mister I was just making sure" as I glared the person in front of me, he is surely making my head boil.

"If you are not scared you would have signed it long ago and not sit there like baby, baby girl" how dare he, with that, said I took the pen from the table and quickly sign it without even looking through the conditions.

"There! Are you happy now?" with that Baekhyun started laughing as if this whole thing was a joke
"I didn't force you in anything baby and by the way, you will have to move in with me today" and my jaw drop move in with Byun Baekhyun, my ex-boyfriend?

"What do you mean to move in with you, you just said you will help me with my school and my dad that all. I didn't agree with being in the same house as you?" And I sat there nervously waiting for his answer, certainly I didn't hear him talk about living together.

"Baby you are still clueless as ever, you did agree with it. You just sign it baby. Didn't you read the conditions baby girl?"
He made me sign it before reading it as he knew I would have disagreed if I saw the conditions, how smart of him.

"That is unfair, you force me to sign it even before I could read it!"

"I didn't force you in signing it you know, I just said if you were scared of not trusting me? You just signed it on your own" and he smirk grew even longer and if I could just punch him right now.

I give up with arguing with him if he wants me to move in with him, fine I will do it!

"Fine but I am not sleeping with you jerk" with that I walked to his office sofa and took the nearest magazine and sat there doing my own things waiting for him to end his work.

"Baby if you are hungry we could go out for lunch if you would like?" What is with him being so nice all of a sudden?
"I'm not hungry, I already ate in the plane" as I just stare looking all over his office. I didn't even notice how big and beautiful his office his, well I was too angry to notice anything.

I decided to roam around and take a look, there was bookshelf and I went to see if I could find anything to my liking to distract myself with the time.
And there it stood our picture being framed with him backing hugging me as the both of was smiling and staring right through the camera.
I remember that day we were having our date along the beach, he promised to bring me there again but that was the last time when we were happy but now look at us.

"I still kept it all of it, everything that reminds me of you. I didn't throw anything away especially that photo, I always look at it when I miss your smile" baekhyun said as he notices that I was standing right in front of the bookshelf as I was holding the photo frame.

A single drop of a tear slide down my eyes as the memories all came back, it hurts me a lot. "I'm going to the washroom" when I could feel baekhyun walking to stand right behind me, things were getting awkward and I do want him to see me cry. Even before he could say anything I rush out finding the restroom sign before he could follow me.

It's a short chapter, how was chapter 2! Please continue to give lots of love thank you!

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