In my arms

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Baekhyun's pov 

After knowing that Hyejin went to look for Taehyung, I was pissed, beyond pissed. But I knew she was curious to know more information about what had happened to me and Taehyung that the closure between us doesn't seem to end. After work, I was in the car driving back home and knowing that she was home was making me agitated, I didn't know how was I suppose to bring up the mater that I was not happy about her looking for Taehyung at the cafe and how I didn't like it that she was talking to another guy. 

'She was mine before, now and future and nothing is going to change that'

I knew Hyejin more than she knows herself, the information that is bound to get pissed off from me was asking her about her confrontation with him and how did I know about her being at the cafe with him. I can't be possibly telling her "Oh I had bodyguards secretly following you and had to report to me every single information that they get"  that would be like me committing suicide. 

'As much as i love her, I do not want to die an early age before having her as a Byun. Yes, I want her as my wife as mine.'

As I was approaching home, I decided to be discreet about it. When the time comes to confront her then will I let her know. For now I need her in my arms, I missed her so much. I quickly lock my car as I head towards my house or should I say our house. Opening the front door I could smell something delicious coming from the kitchen and I knew that Hyejin was cooking dinner for us. I place my things on the couch as I approached her, I lean against the dining table watching her cut some vegetables, watching her cook for us as she wore that huge tee shirt that is barely covering her shorts as I see her long legs that is so smooth that just makes me want to run my hand against it. I control myself before I lose it, I do not want to scare her off.

She knows that I was watching her as she quickly dismissed me to wash up but I couldn't seem to move as she had me like under a spell, I just want to be standing here watching her move around the kitchen cooking for us. I see the future we had together, I want to wake up every morning with her by my side with that beautiful hair and her beautiful features as the light shine through our bed room. So many thoughts came across my mind during the time as I watch her, for some reason she is nervous around me. 

Quietly as I could I walk towards her, tipping my toes not making as much noise as I could to stand behind her and placing my hands against the kitchen counter trapping her between me and the counter not making her running away from me, ever. I lean against her as I place my face near her ears making me her shiver against me, as she stopped chopping and stood there frozen not moving an inch. 

'I know how much her body reacts towards me, it feels good to have her wrap around me' (Do not think far guys)

"Why did you stop?" I asked her smirking at her reaction and she try not to move not knowing what to do. "B-Baek do you mind? I'm trying to make us dinner" as she stuttered as I smirk knowing that I have won, I like her when she is vulnerable and cute like this. Trying to make fun of my baby "You could just continue you know, I really like the position we have right now" as I whispered towards her ear as she scrunched her shoulders and I knew how much I have affect her. Letting go of the kitchen counter I wrap my hands around her waist puling her even closer towards me not ever letting her go, as i back hug her. "Can we please just stay like this for a little while baby, I really missed her" telling her the truth about how I felt as I brought her into my embrace. 

'Wishing she could have replied to me that she missed me too'

After being in our world for a little while I let her go but slide my hands towards her hand as I held it "I really like what you are wearing right now" as I glanced at what she was wearing, looking at her up and down as I can't take my eyes off her. As she uttered whatever she was saying but I didn't hear a thing as I see how beautiful she looks right now in front of me. With the way she look right now I knew she had said she looked plain and that it was a lazy outfit that she had grab. "Maybe to you baby, but to me you look really good right now" as I explained to her, how this outfit is making me thinking how lucky am I to have this beautiful lady right in front of me. 

"I really do not want to continue this conversation with you because knowing you, you will just continue telling me that I look really good but to me you do not look god right now and you smell Baek, please go and clean yourself up while I will finish up on this dinner because I am starving." she exclaimed with that cute pout-glare of hers, if only I could kiss those lips. I laughed at her exaggeration, I know how she was secretly checking me out earlier. "I do not smell, you didn't complain about it just now" and just like that I left taking my things with me and I went to wash up. 

After washing up, I put on a plain black tee with sweatpants on as I messed up my wet hair as I walk towards the kitchen knowing that Hyejin was waiting for me. While walking towards the dining table I realised that everything was prepared and I didn't need to help Hyejin with the plates. I look up to see Hyejin checking me out openly, "You might want to take a picture, it last longer baby" I chuckled as she rolled her eyes at my comment, I quickly took a seat looking at the display of delicious food right in front of me. "This looks delicious, I really missed you making me food" I told her truthfully as I remembered the time back in High School as she tried to make me dinner back at her house. She smiled at me before asking to dig in, as i ate the food deliciously.

After the great meal prepared by Hyejin, I helped her with the dishes as she clean the tables. Once done with cleaning up the dishes and the kitchen, we sat down in the living room together as Hyejin agreed to watch a movie with me. Pulling her to sit closer to me, wrapping my hands around her as she lean towards my chest resting her head there as we watch the opening of the movie.  

"Baby can I ask you something and promise me that you would say the truth and I will not get mad." towards the middle part of the movie, we were comfortable but I can't to feel the need to talk to her about it. She frown looking up to me as she said "What's the matter?" 

"Where were you just now?"

That's all for this chapter! 2 Chapters in one day, I'm so proud of myself. Hope you enjoyed it as this is Baekhyun's point of view, wait to find out what happens next. How will Hyejin react?


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