Telling Me

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Hyejin' s pov

There was something off about Baekhyun and I knew it had to do with Taehyung but yet both of them don't seem to bother telling me anything. I'm extremely frustrated with the awkwardness between all of us, I really do wish for Baekhyun to accept Taehyung as my Friend his always there for me whenever I need help in school.
After the encounter back at the school carpark, Baekhyun has been giving this stern look telling everybody to back off, including me. I wanted to talk to him about what happened then but I can't seem to try to open up the subject whenever I took the courage to approach him about it. Baekhyun would always seem to try to change the subject of talking about Taehyung and the desperation to know what happened during the 5 years that I was gone was so strong.

It is a fresh new weekend morning meaning I have no classes and today is the day that I am going to ask Baek what is going on with him and why has he been trying to avoid me.  I was in the kitchen trying to flip some pancakes trying not to burn them in the process till I heard footsteps coming down the steps knowing that it's Baekhyun I just kept myself busy with the delicious fluffy pancakes in front of me.  "Good Morning" he chirped trying to adjust the mood in the morning, I quietly greet him with a good morning before telling him to take a seat as breakfast would be served soon. He followed my instructions not before thanking for his coffee before proceeding to take a seat. I place the plate of food on the table and sat opposite of him before giving him a  smile letting him know we can dig in, I know I need to talk to him about the topic but food comes first.

'You need food to give you the energy to do things right?'
'Or is it just me? Okay continue'

After breakfast, we were still at the dining table just having an awkward silence not knowing what to say. "Are you okay Baek?" I asked him while looking at his actions, "yeah I'm good, why would I be?" he explains with a smile trying to lie his way out which I know is definitely fake. "I know you are lying Baek, you been trying to avoid me these days and don't bother trying to lie your way out again. Don't think that I have not been watching you recently after that encounter with Taehyung you seem to back away from me, changing the subject whenever I ask you and trying to show me that hideous smile of yours. Even though it's cute"
I was pissed, angry at the fact that we are pushing all the problems under the carpet if Baek and I were to have to start all over again we need to start by telling each other what happened during that 5 years we were separated, anything can happen within those years. Anything.

"You think my smile is cute" and he gave me that infamous smirk of his.
'If only I can smack his head really really bad right now'
"Is that the only thing from the sentence that I said that captured your attention? Really Baek?" And his smile disappears turning his head to the side not knowing what to answer.
I waited patiently for him.

"Baek please, you can tell me things" I persuaded hoping it will help him.
"You know after you left, I concentrated all my time towards the company. I was heartbroken after you left before you start yelling at me again wait till I finish the story okay"

'And how did he know that I wanted to say my part'

To continue on "Taehyung's dad if you do not know owns the famous Kim Co. here in South Korea. And I'm sure you know-how. His dad suggested on us having a partnership for our company to grow together, it was a very big chance for my company to grow way bigger than it has and I definitely will take the opportunity given to me. But in return he wants me to work along his Son which is no other than your best of pal Kim Taehyung. We didn't get along the first time we met, his dad wanted him to learn the ways I took over the company at such a young age and have the drive to lead a billionaire company but Taehyung rejected saying he had his own dreams to pursue. But that is not the issue here whatever he wants to do in his life is not mine to say. Kim Taehyung had a girlfriend then but that girl was my cousin, you don't know her because I don't speak with my family after my parents passed away and you knew that. But she seems to have other thoughts because she started being close to me through Taehyung.  Before you start judging me, I didn't pay any attention towards her I just find her as an annoying cousin which i haven't talked for years and our families are apart anyways, she just wants to get my inheritance of my family through Taehyung. But he didn't realize he was just being used by her ways of getting his riches, he thought she loved him.  I didn't want to meddle in others personal matter when the project was much more important then but she was my cousin and I had to stop her before she starts affecting others of her selfish ways. Finally, I took the courage of telling Taehyung but he obviously didn't believe me.  My cousin's selfish ways manage to catch up with her when Taehyung found her she has been stealing his dad's companies revenue from the inside for her spending but the issue started when he accused me of getting involved as well just because she was my cousin." I was stunned not knowing what to say or how to react with the information that was just given to me. So many questions were in my head. Did Taehyung ever discuss what happened before judging just the situation? Did he ever know that whatever she is doing is affecting Taehyung?  I can't seem to trust anything right now because I wasn't there when everything happened. But now which side am I supposed to be on? The one whom I love or my Friend whom I can count on? 

Yay I'm done with a new chapter. Please let me know if this chapter was okay? Now I'm getting excited about the next one!
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Those who have read it earlier, apologies for the typing error making all of you confuse. I have changed what needed to change. 

Love, xoxocryz

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