Giving a Chance pt 3

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Part 3 is uploaded, hopefully you guys will enjoy Baekhyun's pov as much as I do! -xoxocryz

Baekhyun's pov 

Hyejin was lost in her thoughts when she had ask to have a slight chat in the living room, something seems wrong, she keeps getting distracted. Hyejin began to explain that she was finally opening up to me, this is what I have been waiting for to finally have Kim Hyejin right by my side. 

-5 years ago- 

Hyejin and I were invited to a party held by my close friends Park Chanyeol and Kim Jongdae, it was the best party. Hyejin had decided to allow me to hang out with my friends before leaving to have some time with her girlfriends. The boys and I were hanging out in the backyard chatting away and enjoying out time together when Jongdae had ask about the relationship between Hyejin and I. "How long are you going to last in this relationship Baekhyun-ah?"  he asked, I chuckled slightly as I thought how lucky I am to have her by my side. "as long as it lasts" it is how I felt, I knew we were still very young but I fell in love with her and many things could happen to break us apart but I am not letting her go that easily. "But you agreed to date her for 3 months only and it has been 6 months" Chanyeol spoke slowly ruining my train of thoughts, before I could answer Chen or Jongdae broke me to it "Yeah Baekhyun-ah, it was a dare for 3 months it is more than that now don't tell us you are in love with her now?" Chen exclaimed but I was fuming but I knew I was a fool back then. 

"Yes! It started off with a dare made by you guys for me to date the most prettiest Kim Hyejin back in high school. But you all knew I was already having a secret crush towards her, you knew  I was already going to confess to her soon even without the dare. I told you guys to forget about it because the dare wasn't important. My relationship with Hyejin is all because of the love we have" I fumed about how my friends are willing to joke around easily despite us agreeing not to bring this up ever again and to forget the dare even exists. "Sorry Baekhyun-ah we were just joking around, don't worry we will not bring this up ever again" agreed both Chanyeol and Jongdae as I nodded my head not bothering to reply them. Decided to make my way to find Hyejin back to in the house where all the party is happening, as I think it has been some time since I left to chat with my friends. In the house, I started looking around and didn't see any sight of her at all, I went to ask her girlfriends and they said they haven't seen Hyejin since she told them she needed the bathroom. Becoming worried I called her, maybe she left and forgot to inform me but when I tried calling her she is not picking up, texted her and to no replies. 

Returning back to the backyard I went to inform my friends that I will be leaving to find Hyejin and won't be back for the party and I quickly left heading towards Hyejin house while constantly calling her phone but now things has changed as it went straight to voicemail which means she had switch off her mobile device not wanting me or someone else to contact her and I knew something was off. When I reached her house it was to no avail, no one was home and it scares me as her dad told us right before the party that he would be waiting for her. I kept ringing the doorbell and no one was answering, I tried many things knocking their door and even asking their neighbour if they had seen them at all but to no help.


'That was the day where I had lost my chance with Kim Hyejin, she left without a word that night. No one knew her whereabouts and not even me I was worried every single day that something might happen to her but I knew she left as she contacted one of her friends telling her that she was fine. After that day my world came crumbling down and I didn't know what was wrong till this very day'

As she was crying right now while explaining what had happened and why she had ran away that very night made me pissed off because she didn't bother to trust me or had asked me whether it was true or not "That was it? that was why you left me? for 5 years?" I slightly shouted not being able to calm down "You did not hear the rest of the conversation did you? If you did you would not have left me and you should have let me explain" I exclaimed angrily as she looked very confused at what I had meant. "You should have stayed longer to hear our conversation because the dare wasn't important from the start, i had already fallen in love with you even before the whole dare thing was in the picture baby. The boys knew I had a secret crush on you for ages but I didn't have the courage then to approach you but one day I was planning to reveal my feelings for you and the boys had tried to give my some dares along the way to make me have more courage but I didn't agree but to them they thought after you had accepted my confession the dare had began. But I told them to forget about it because it wasn't important from the start as I had already made up my mind to approach you. Baby I didn't tell you was because the boys were just playing and I don't even thought of the dare being real as I didn't agree to it" slowly Hyejin absorb the things that I said and she went speechless, from the start if I had knew those 5 years wasted was because of that conversation I would have done something, that 5 years of our life wasted with hatred. But thanks to the 5 years wasted I have Hyejin by my side again but with a more mature and understanding us. 

"I'm sorry, I just got very upset when I heard the conversation of Chen and Chanyeol. I was just shock and did not know what to do but to ran away back then. Baek please let's forget about all that had happen?" as she cried even more. Not bothering to answer her, I pulled her closer to me as I place my lips against my lips as I kiss her sorrows away taking all her pain. Letting her know how much I love her.

OMG!!!!! I had so much feels when I typed this chapter, it has so much drama. But hope you guys love it as much as I do! Let me know how was it! Thanks for supporting me once again! -xoxocryz

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