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Baekhyun's pov 

Lying on our bed as Hyejin is wrapped around me, hands around my waist as she rest her head on my chest with nothing but comfortable silence surround us. Slowly her breathing changes and I knew she had fallen asleep as I comb her hair our of her face staring at her beautiful face at how much she had matured and changed her appearance over the years. Her hair had changed colour going on a light brown instead of black and she had slim down drastically, not offending her but she had lost amount of weight but she is still beautiful to me. 

'Remind me to feed her even more'

With Hyejin asleep I followed her footsteps and fell alseep wrap in the blanket with our arms tangled around us. 

Waking up in the morning with Hyejin still asleep in my arms I decided to get ready and prepare some breakfast for the both of us. Washing up and changing into comfortable clothes I head towards the kitchen to look for any ingredients that can get me started on some recipes, looking through the refrigerator and the pantry I found some ham and bacon and decided to make an easy English breakfast. Not wanting to waste any time knowing she could wake up any moment and I would like to surprise her quickly getting started in preparing the ingredients and frying the bacon. Finishing up and plating neatly on the plate I placed it on a tray with some orange juice and brought it towards our bedroom, breakfast in bed. 

Opening our bedroom door with one hand and balancing the tray with the other carefully stepping into the room and noticing she was still wrapped in the blanket not moving an inch. Excited to see her reaction I place the tray on a side table nearby and proceed to wake our sleepy princess, Hovering over her with my arms on either side of her I bend down slightly giving her left cheek a kiss, with no reaction I continued with the right cheek giving her a kiss still no reaction. Teasing her I place kisses all around her face trying to wake her up, as she moves slightly showing a frown on her face not liking it that someone had disturbed her beauty sleep. Slowly opening up her eyes she look right into my arms as I smiled at her "Good Morning sleeping princess" she giggled slightly as she slide her arms around my neck pulling me closer towards her, still trying to balance myself with arms not wanting to feel my weight. She brought me into a kiss, a sweet morning kiss not something lusty.

"As much as I love kissing you baby, I brought breakfast" her eyes widen with my sentence as she looking around the room finding the tray with our delicious english breakfast on it and her eyes grew excited and I know she can't wait to dig in. "That is amazing Baek, thank you" she responded with a peck on my lips as she move away from me and head towards the washroom to wash up. I smiled at myself being proud of my amazing work but still feeling nervous with the taste of the food. 

Cleaning up the bed area as I waited for Hyejin to finish washing up and come out to have some breakfast. Quickly taking my seat once I was done doing the bed I scrolled through my phone replying to any messages my assistant had to send me regarding work. Decided to take the morning off as I will head to the office at noon, I could spend more time with her and just making sure she was feeling better after yesterday's incident. Heard a click of the door opening, looking away from my phone to see Hyejin was looking fresh as ever before joining me in bed as she brought the tray with her. "It looks so good Baek, can't wait to eat it" she exclaimed happily with food in front of her, she quickly dig in not waiting for me as I chuckled at her behaviour. Digging in together as we fed each other being all clingy as had our nice romantic breakfast on bed. 

Ensuring that Hyejin was well-taken care off before I headed back to the office, Hyejin's exact words "I will be fine, I need to finish up my assignments. You will be back in 4 hours any way I will wait for you" giving me her beautiful smile and I could not help but feel my heart beating so fast for her. Getting to my office and to see my assistant all ready with the task of the day, the first instruction I had to ask her was "Get me Kim Taehyung" 

Another boring chapter I know, I'm so sorry. But I promise the next chapter would be the best part of the book. Kim Taehyung vs Byun Baekhyun. Please comment down and vote! -xoxocryz

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