Holding you

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*After being at the cafe with Taehyung*

Hyejin's pov 

After the confrontation with Taehyung I was extremely exhausted, not physically but mentally. I was confused, deep down in my heart I knew that the story did not just stop there. It didn't just ended like how Baek and Taehyung explained. It just didn't make sense that Taehyung is blaming Baek when the culprit was Baek's cousin all along? I know I should not be a person to judge when I was away all these years. Maybe I should start finding out more about this cousin of Baek's, it is extremely new to me that he have a cousin that I did not even know of when we dated.

All this thinking is just making my head hurts even more, after the confrontation with Taehyung I went back to Baek's home. Hanging my coat on the coat rack and placing my bags on the counter, I wanted to make some dinner for us. 'Hungry is the next question, I was starving....' Knowing that when Baek is back he would be hungry as well, why not make dinner, pasta sounds really good right now. I got change into some comfortable clothes and put on an apron before making my way towards the kitchen. As I was cutting some vegetables to make a salad that comes with the pasta I heard the front door opening before it closes again, that should be Baekhyun coming back from work. Before I could stop cutting the vegetables and turn around to go and greet him I was interrupted by a voice "You look really pretty right now" I stopped what i was doing and turn around to see him leaning against the dining table arms folded just staring at me. 

I blushed as I heard him, but I didn't think much of it as i greet him "You're back, go ahead and wash up I'm making some dinner for us" I quickly dismissed him to wash up and turn around to continue cutting my vegetables for my salad, as I knew with him standing there the dinner will not be done at all and we might have to order some take outs for then night. But i didn't hear any movement for awhile before I could turn around to see if Baek had went to clean up, a warm breath was hitting against my neck as I felt a body trapping me against the kitchen counter, his hands trap me against my side as he lean closer to me and I could feel his breath breathing against my neck as my hair stand nervously. He knew how much he affects me as I could practically feel him smirking right now. "Why did you stop, baby?" I didn't know what he meant until I realised that I had stop cutting once again and just stood there frozen not knowing what to do. 

'I would have stop cutting as well, omg! okay sorry continue on to the story'

"B-Baek do you mind? I'm trying to make us dinner" I stuttered, what is happening to me did i just stuttered? "You could just continue you know, I really like the position we have right now" as he said that I tried my best to calm my heart, it felt like I could have a heart attack right now, I hate it that he affects me so much after all these years. Before I could come out with a reply, his hands slide from the counter to my waist as he back hug me "Can we please just stay like this for a little while baby, I really missed you" I do not know what had happened at work today for him but I just stood there allowing him to bring me into his embrace even more. 

'I really wanted to reply him that I missed him as well, but I was not ready....'

We stood there in the kitchen in our own world, nobody to interrupt us like how it was back in high school. Even when i'm frozen but I was comfortable with him, it's like our height and our body was made for each other. (Before you all think so wrong please I know how perverted you all can get, including me but please keep it to ourselves okay... *wink*)

After like what seems to be forever he let me go but still holding my hand "I really like what you are wearing right now" he uttered as I turn around to look at him but looking down at my clothes I was just wearing a huge t-shirt and some shorts that i grab like I could care how I look while making dinner, it is a very lazy outfit. I just stared at him like he was blind. "You have got to be kidding me Baek, I look like any college girl that could not afford any rent, this outfit is so common Baek, it's just a tee and shorts" as I waited for his reply, he shake his head as he smiled. "Maybe to you baby, but to me you look really good right now". 

"I really do not want to continue this conversation with you because knowing you, you will just continue telling me that I look really good but to me you do not look good right now and you smell Baek, please go and clean yourself up while I will finish up on this dinner because I am starving." he laughed at what I said "I do not smell, you didn't complain about it just now" and just like that he left, leaving me in my zone on what he just said. 'Damn Baek, knowing how much he can make me go insane with him' I shook my hear and giggled but continue with the dinner, I need food. 'When a girl is hungry she is hangry.

As Baek was washing up, I had finish making dinner for the both of us. I was placing the plates on the dining table, i quickly wash my hands and clean up the remaining dishes that I used just now. Just in time Baek came out all nice and fresh after his shower and he wore a plain black tee with a sweatpants. He looks really good with wet hair as he walk towards the dining table.

"You might want to take a picture, it last longer baby" I rolled my eyes at his comment as he chuckled before taking a seat looking at the food placed on the table. "This looks delicious, I really missed you making me food" I smiled at his comment, remembering the days when he would come to my house as I tried to find anything in my refrigerator to stir something up for us. "Dig in" I said as I took the seat opposite of him as we took in the food in front of us.

After the meal, I was happy that my stomach was finally filled. The dinner was surprisingly great as well. Baek would utter some comments here and there to get me to giggle or the comments that just make me cringe and roll my eyes, but that was Baek being who he was. But most of the time the dinner was a comfortable silence as we ate our food. 

That is all for this chapter, I'm glad i finally made a slightly long chapter and FINALLY AN UPDATE!! I know and i apologised. I will update more during this pandemic. Everyone please stay safe during this time please and continue to support my books, thank you!            -xoxocryz

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