A New Obstacle

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Chapter 6 - A New Obstacle

Hyejin's pov

I was absolutely over the top when I was told that I could attend school again and since I am going to be stuck with Baekhyun I might as well do something productive than to be at home all day feeling bored. But I am very nervous as I'm sure everyone would have made friends and cliques since I join in late, I guess the worst is I will have to eat alone for lunch than.

I was on my way to class but I'm not very sure if I am walking in the right direction as this school is really huge, I should have asked Baekhyun just now instead of dashing to class without having a clear mind of where I am going. I was lost in the middle of the hallway and there is no one around to ask for help, maybe I will have to find it myself with the class number they given, what a way to start my first day of school I am very sure I will get a scolding.

I was busy reading the numbers from the classroom doors and the signs above that I didn't realise there was someone right in front of me "do you need help with that?" as he giggle seeing how lost I am right now.
"Yeah... I kind of lost my way and I don't know where to go" I told him hoping that he would help me with the directions. "Here let me see it, I can help you with that" I smiled as I gladly pass him the papers but I couldn't stop looking at him, he look so presentable with good looks too I wonder why does he have a tie when the other students doesn't use one.
"This is a coincidence" as I look up to him at what he said. "What do you mean by coincidence?" I ask curiously from his statement?
"We have the same classes for all the lessons, I guess you are my new classmate than?" as he stared at me, and to see him this up close he really is very handsome. "Come on I will take you to class" as I nodded and followed him as he leads the way.

As we arrive at the classroom the teacher has already started the lesson, the guy that brought me here knock the door before saying "Mrs Han we have a new student, she just arrived just now" as the teacher look up before smiling and gesturing us to come in. "You must be Hyejin come in I heard about you so you don't have to tell anymore details, would you like to introduce yourself to the class?" I smiled as I nod my head before standing straight and "Hi my name is Kim Hyejin and I hope that we can be friends, please take good care of me thank you" as I end with a bowed.
"You may take your seat beside Taehyung at the corner" I wasn't sure who was this Taehyung guy and I kept looking around to find who it is before the guy from before raised his hand smiling really brightly.

I took the seat beside him and took out a notebook to take notes that Baekhyun gave to me just now since I won't get the textbooks till tomorrow.
"So your name is Hyejin? Sorry let me introduce myself since we didn't get to do it at the hallway I'm Taehyung, Kim Taehyung nice to meet you" as he turn to look at me making me really nervous "Yeah I'm Hyejin, Kim Hyejin" as I smiled back "Do you have any friends around this school? If not you can come and eat together with me and my friends since today is your first day of school?" I was thinking if I should accept his offer but I don't have any friends in this school and this kind good looking person is trying to be my friend and I won't have to eat lunch alone, so why not right? So I replied "sure why not" and he smiled and giggled before looking back at the whiteboard.

But I couldn't stop looking at him "why is he so good looking?" Shaking my head as I thought that I shouldn't be thinking about that right now, it is not important.

The first lesson was over and it was easier that I thought it will be, now should be break time and after that another hour of lessons before I can head back home already. "It's lunch time, let's go I will introduce you to my friends" as he pulled my arm and headed outside and to the cafeteria.
But I'm telling you this school is really huge and since I am taking Early Childhood education we are located at the Business school while the other schools are separated so it's really very big.
"So how was your first few hours in this University?" as we walk side by side, he lets go of my arm.
"Well it's a really huge campus bigger than the one I had back home" curious on what I just said he turn to look at me and ask "So why did you move? Where were you from?" Thinking about my home back in Ameirca a sad smile form on my face and I replied "I was from America, I transferred back here due to some personal reasons" as if he could understand what I was thinking he gave a sad smile before changing the subject "since you are here right now, make better memories and you have me now remember" with that he pat my head and continue walking. It's fascinating that we just met but it feels like I'm attach to this guy, Kim Taehyung not in a romantic way but a friendly way.

How was Chapter 6? Sorry to use the name Taehyung from BTS if it offends anyone but I have been using the name for the characters in my book so I decided not to change. And congratulations to Byun Baekhyun for winning at the SBS Drama Awards this year!😙
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