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Hey guys, the next chapter is finally uploaded. I will be having my exams next week so please be patient with me if I don't upload a new chapter next week but stay tuned and please keep supporting. Love you all 사랑해♡♡♡ -xoxocryz

 Love you all 사랑해♡♡♡ -xoxocryz

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Hyejin's pov

After the lovely kiss with Baekhyun we had accepted each other back with open arms, my cute and loving boyfriend Byun Baekhyun.

After the painful five years of misery of we are finally closing that chapter away and opening up a fresh new one, the trouble we had been through due to miscommunications include of my stuboorness and his playful friends back then confused our lifes big time.

It was new bright day and I was back in school doing my usual routine of heading towards the lockers to grab my books for the day. As i was gathering my items girls started squealing and whispers were heard and I knew who had just arrive to the scene that makes the girls all go crazy it is no other then our famous BTS and Kim Taehyung or should I say the most good looking ones in our University campus. Taehyung and I had not talk since that day we had talk, we act like we did not know each other in school never once crossing each other path or bother saying hi when we walked passed each other, it is something I have gotten used to after my relationship with Baekhyun got better I did not want misunderstadnings happening between us again. Ignoring the girls around my locker I continued taking my things and placing it in my bag and finally closing my locker and started walking to class not bothering to look back. Walking towards my table I place my bag beside it and took my sit, since schooling here I have not made any friends other then in between "hi" and "bye" with my classmates as I would always try to quickly get home after my classes is done. While waiting for the teacher or lecturer to arrive I took out a book from my bag to past the time quicker as I was paying extra attention to the particular chapter of my book the lecturer arrived and started greeting the class, i quickly put my book away and started paying attention.

As the lecturer went on we had a group project coming up and that made me nervous, I had never like group works even back in the States as I would always get picked last, knowing the outcome I just waited for the teacher to give the queue for everyone to find their partners however things was not going that way as it seems. "Now, I would like everyone to pay attention as I will be the one choosing your partners for this group project. It will be a paired work and I do not want to hear anyone requesting for a change of partner, work together and ensure you all aced it" thankfully he was going to choose our partners and I do not need to have the shame of being picked last as I waited for my name to be called slowly by slowly my classmates had been partnered up together, and things got worse  "And lastly would be Kim Hyejin and Kim Taehyung, Okay I want everyone to sit with your partners and discuss on the ideas you would want to have" and he dismissed everyone but I sat there shocked as I heard my name being partnered up with him, things have gotten awkward between us and now this.

'Baekhyun will not be slightest happy if he knew about this'

Looking towards the back of the class I saw Taehyung staring directly at me and not moving, I guess I would have to move towards him but before I could stand, he stood up took his belongings and walk towards me before pulling out the chair and place his things on the table. I kept my head low not wanting to make any eye contacts with him as the awkwardness got bigger, as i kept thinking how am I suppose to approach this he spoke first "Well looks like you and me have to be working together for quite some time since you started ignoring me" he exclaimed falsely, I shook my head as I relied slightly offended by his words "I did not choose to ignore you Taehyung-ah, if was you who had ignore me in the first place" I replied as I turn away from him he chuckled slightly at my sentence and I knew he had smirk "Well you had decided to believe that lover boy of yours instead of knowing how I felt, I was your first friend Hyejin-ah" as I turn around from what he said "Taehyung-ah you can't just blame Baekhyun for this you knew your girlfriend back then was his cousin" I tried talking to him.

"You won't there Hyejin-ah, stop trying to believe everything Baekhyun said he used his cousin to come and manipulate me and now you, a pathetic liar like them" and he left the classroom not bothering to turn around when the lecturer called him. Nobody in class dared to say a thing as he is Kim Taehyung the school's sweetheart.

But I sat there in tears feeling bothered at what he had said "A pathetic liar just like them" the same exact words that my dad use to say to me "Pathetic daughter, because of you everything is this way" Remembering how I lived my life back in America and wonder how my dad is doing right now. As I cried and I cried I excused myself out of class and went to the restroom and lock myself in one of the cubicles available, something I always did back in America.

That's the end of this chapter, hope you guys like it. I'm so sorry if I made Taehyung as the bad guy here please no hates it is just a fictional character. Let's have love instead okay? Love you alls, remember to keep supporting! -xoxocryz

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