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Hyejin's pov

After the wonderful dinner, Baekhyun had asked if we should watch a movie before heading to bed and I agreed.

'The entire day had made me thought twice about my decisions to be here in Korea. Why did I start opening up to Byun Baekhyun so easily or Why am I so comfortable to be in his arms again? Why did I let go of my life back in America? Why did I agree to the conditions that Baek had force me to sign?' My head was spinning with so many questions but I can only reply with one answer, something that I am not able to say out loud.

'I love him, till this day with all my heart'

As we sat down having our arms around each other as we cuddled together watching the movie playing on the screen. Just this once I want to be in his arms, just tonight I want to forget all the problems we are facing right now. As I got comfortable watching the movie, Baekhyun was awfully quiet he has not been talking since the movie started. Before I had the chance to ask what is on his mind and if he prefer to talk about it, he spoke first.

"Baby can I ask you something and promise me that you would say the truth and I will not get mad." he spoken which seems to be forever. "Where were you just now?"silence covered around us as I stared at him letting the words sink in to my head as I thought about what he meant by just now? The time that I ask Taehyung to meet me at the cafe, how did he know about that?What is going on?

"I went out to the cafe." It was not a lie, it was the truth I did meet Taehyung at the cafe but talking about Taehyung to Baekhyun is a very sensitive thing to do. Playing with my fingers as I waited nervously at what Baekhyun was going to say, as I observe his reaction. He was expressionless as he spoke "Alone?" anticipating my answer. Remembering what he just said earlier about speaking the truth, I was afraid that he would be mad but I knew if I told the truth he would be pissed. But if I lied and he found out the truth he would be even more pissed, so I made a decision. "I-I-I was with T-Tae-Taehyung" stuttering because of my nervousness I looked up to him to see him clenching his jaw tight as he move from the position we had earlier.

'He is pissed at me, he let me go' as my thoughts run wild.

Baekhyun was beyond pissed he sat up straight turning his body to face me as he look right into my eyes "Why were you with him, why didn't you tell me that you went to see him?" he look disappointed with my decision as I did not let him know in the morning that I was going to meet Taehyung to ask the truth and I did not let him know when he was back from work. "After what you had explain to me, I was still confuse Baek. I wanted to know from his point of view as well, I did not want to judge anyone. Is not that I did not trust you or him is just that I need to know the entire story as he is my friend, Baek." I confessed truthfully as I waited patiently for his respond.

"So did he let you know the entire story? Did he make himself look pitiful, that he was the good guy and I was the bad guy in the story" his voice got deeper and his face was red to express his anger. I hated seeing him like his, it is making me feel guilty. "To be honest Baek, I do not know what had happened between him during the 5 years that I was away. He did not say much about the story either, it was the same as how you explained about your cousin being around you and him. He explain that you were working with your cousin to ruin his relationship." I explain softly afraid of what he was going to say. Between Taehyung and him, I do not want to blame anyone. The only person to be blamed was Baekhyun's cousin. Baekhyun smirk as he let out a chuckle, "So he did make himself look pitiful in the story, so did you believe him Kim Hyejin?" there it was my full name, the sweetness in his voice was gone no more "baby" as I stared at him shaking my head letting him know I didn't trust Taehyung's words not because I blame him or that I was siding Baekhyun but the truth lies on this cousin that was around them. She was the problem.

"I did not take his words to heart Baek, I just want to know the truth. This cousin of yours why didn't you tell me about her?"

He breath out slowly as he tried to calm down, "They are not worth to be known Hyejin-ah, they are an embarrassment to the Byun's. My dad's one and only younger brother they were so close back then, I remembered when I was still a kid we would always have a weekly family gathering and as an older cousin to Byun Hyera she is my only cousin. We would run around together as we played hide and seek but things started changing when my uncle starting being greedy as he see my dad rising into the business world with the Byun company gaining recognition and profits. My parents build this empire from scratch even before I was born with whatever money they had into the shares but when my parents had asked my uncle if he would like to start it with them, he rejected. Saying that the business would not grow and that my parents would be wasting all of their hard earn money. But my parents followed their faith, business is all about taking risk and they did. The greedy side of my family started blaming my dad for everything and they always had ways to try and pull my family down. The day of my parents accident, they did not bother turning up for the funeral, they did not even pay a single respect. My uncle only came down when my family's lawyer was going to let us know who is the next person to build up this empire and when they told everyone that it was passed down to me, my uncle was fuming and kept saying that I was still young, in high school and that it should be him. After you left Hyejin everything came crumbling down, my parents left, my uncle hated me and I only had the company in my hands and I do not even know how to run a business. I was confused and scared" he explain as I started crying after listening to him. Baekhyun smiled slightly as he took my hands into his.

"But I wanted to stand strong for you and for my parents, I juggled finishing the last year of high school and learning the ways of business while remembering how my dad worked and having my dad's best friend to teach me the ways. The company grew stronger and taller as I grew with it, I was coping really well and became the most well known high school boy to take over the company and making it the biggest company in Korea. Everyday I had you in my mind my motivation to work harder as I wanted to show it to you when you are back." My feelings was all over the place, I have never been so proud of him as he build the empire all on his own when everyone turn their back on him, including me. We sat there hugging each other as he comfort me and I gave back the same comfort.

Done with this chapter, yay! Enjoy everyone, please stay safe everyone!
Let me know how was this chapter and I will try to update the next chapter really soon. Please continue to support my books. -xoxocryz

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