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Full of drama chapter is up next ~ Enjoy! -xoxocryz

Baekhyun's pov

Getting to my office and to see my assistant all ready with the task prepared for the day, ignoring the task for now I had instructed her "Get me Kim Taehyung" enough with delaying the problems around us, Taehyung and I need to have a talk. 

"Sir, Kim Taehyung-nim has agreed and would be on the way to the office to meet you." I quickly dismiss her as I proceeded to finish up the task prepared by her that needed to be done before I leave in 4 hours and be back in Kim Hyejin arms. 

Time passed and someone was send to my office, Kim Taehyung entered and stood by the door as he greeted me "Baekhyun Hyung" he nodded as I stood up from my desk area and headed towards the sofa in my office and offered him a seat. "Your assistant had contacted me Hyung. I was waiting for your call Hyung" I smiled slightly not feeling too happy about it but the way he have so much confidence to enter my office and be so sure of himself, even with me inviting him. "There are some things that I would like to discuss with you and I would like you to go along with it." he nodded slightly kind of knowing where this conversation is going, "what do you have in mind Hyung, I would assume this is about Hyejinnie?" Looking at his expression and I got slightly pissed but not wanting to show my weaknesses to him, I kept my face straight. "Whatever you had said to Hyejin back then is making her really upset and I am trying really hard to be considerate towards you because of our past" 

Not wanting Hyejin to have nightmares with her past, not wanting her to be like me. I need them to have a closure. No matter what past relationship conflicts I had with Taehyung I need to accept that they are friends and she need to socialize as well. "I am willing to let the past away if you and Hyejin could be civil again. Every single day she would explain and comment on the way you had ignore her for so long. Letting her being all alone in school. I am willing to accept anything to see her happy again and if that needed to have Hyejin and you forming a friendship I do not mind" with a slight shocking face Taehyung looked up eyes widen when I ended my sentence. "Taehyung-ah I know we had a bad past before and we are trying to be civil with another no matter how much hate with have with each other but Hyejin should not be drag in our problems and don't blame her for our anger towards one another. You were her first friend since she returned to Korea and she believes in you as much as she believes in me and I do not want to let her down for my issues and my temper" assuring him that he and Hyejin could have a friendship in school despite us having problems with one another. 

He smiled slightly "I did not think you would be saying all that when I was invited to come here but I knew it was about KIm Hyejin. I would like to apologize for not controlling my temper around her that day and I know what happened between us should stay within. Hyejin is my friend and is someone that I would to protect as well, Hyung you can assure that she would be appreciated in school, she can join my friends and I for lunch." I nodded and agreed. Hyejin needs some friends here in Korea and knowing her she had thrown contacts of our high school friends away and I do not plan to open it up and let her be around them again unless she wants to. Taehyung is kind towards his closest friends and I know he can treat her well and protect her in school when I am not around and it assured me greatly. 

"Taeyung-ah you need to have a talk with her personally but I do not appreciate you getting too close with her other than friends, is that clear?" I do not plan for Taehyung to be stealing my girl.

Taehyung laughed at my comment shaking his head as he said "I understand Hyung, I will speak to her personally. I can see how much you change over the years Hyung. You are really in love with her and I'm glad you found her again after so many years. Because of the both of you now I feel like I need to find a girl too" I laughed. 

We agreed together and became civil then we were years ago, liking how Hyejin had let Taehyung be acquaintances despite our differences and problems adding up through the years. Accomplishing my mission and hoping Hyejin would be happy with the news once Taehyung had contacted her, I headed home after finishing my task. Reached home as I was opening the door, before I could even open it up the door open and there pop out my lovely girlfriend who was smiling from ear to ear and I smiled at how happy she was. She was jumping up and down showcasing her happiness and I asked "why are you so happy today baby?" getting curious but I already know the answer to that I just kept quiet not wanting to ruin her happy day. "Taehyung had texted me Baek, he apologised for his behaviour that day and wants to meet up to talk and to bring you along Baek if you wanted" she exclaimed excitedly and I giggled at her jumpiness. Smiling at her reaction "Baek please do not get angry, I know you do not like Taehyung being my friend and the way he acted that day but he is a good friend" she pouted at my quietness, shaking my head "No it is fine Baby, for you I will do anything" and she squealed as she came hugging me not planning to let go anytime soon, not that I was complaining. 

Yay! I'm so happy about writing this chapter. Apologise to those that might have a different want of thinking how this chapter should be written instead. Applaud to Kim Taehyung and Byun Baekhyun being civil just for Kim Hyejin. Please comment down how this chapter was, the book is coming to an end soon so you all can anticipate for it. Enjoy while you can! -xoxocryz

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