Giving a Chance pt 2

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Finally uploaded the part 2 of the story, i'm slightly excited to upload this. For you all to understand the couple better and their past. By the way I am so in love with the header photo, baby baek! Enjoy!-xoxocryz

Hyejin's pov

As i waited for Baekhyun to finish up on the dishes, many thoughts went through my mind as to how was I going to bring this up to him. While being distracted with my thoughts I felt the sofa slightly dip, and he sat beside me "I'm done with the dishes, so what is it the you wanted to talk about?" he asked getting curious with my silence. Breathing in and out calming myself down before turning slightly to face him clearly, I nodded to myself ready to open up the feelings and the conversation I have kept to myself all these years while being away from him. "I want to give you a chance Baek but before I you speak I want to continue with something and you need to listen to alright?" he tried hiding his smile with how serious my face looks like right now and sensing that I was really serious in wanting to speak to him right now, he controlled his feelings and nodded his head for me to continue speaking.

"There was a reason why I ran and moved to America with my dad back then, I left you here because I was hurt badly. I was so in love with you then which is why I could not accept the reality that happened back then, I'm sorry if I was too weak to handle our problem together which cause me to let you go and ran away." I explained slowly letting him absorbed of the thoughts I had then. Before he could say anything else I quickly I added more points as I want him to listen everything before speaking or explaining.

- 5 Years Ago -

Baekhyun and I was invited to a party held by his friends Park Chanyeol and Kim Jongdae, the party was amazing with great food and company all around, mostly our close friends. Giving Baekhyun some space with his friends I decided to hang out with my girlfriends at the corner of the house as we chat about our boyfriends and school, things were going great and Baekhyun and I was known as the popular power couple in high school. The boys had decided to hang out at the backyard while the girls and I stayed int he house, as we chatted away I was urgently needed at the bathroom. I head to the bathroom and did my business away as I clean myself up and went out, the bathroom was located near the backyard and I could see the boys hanging out outside talking away. I got curious and wanting to be around Baekhyun I made my way there but before I could step outside and join them I heard their conversation which was regarding about me. Even more curious about their conversation I stood still eavesdropping of whatever they were talking about.

"How long are you going to last in this relationship Baekhyun-ah?" asked by Jongdae one of our close friends, Baekhyun chuckled slightly and replied "as long as it last" his friends all chuckled, it seems like they have an inside joke which I don't understand. "But you agreed to date her for 3 months only and it has been 6 months" Chanyeol spoke slowly understanding the conversation but not seemingly knowing about the 3 months? 'What are they talking about? 3 months?' decided to continue to listen, "Yeah Baekhyun-ah, it was a dare for 3 months it is more then that now don't tell us you are in love with her now?" Chen exclaimed. Stood there shock of the words that came out of Chen's mouth, so the 3 months and our relationship was all based on a a dare? It was lie all these time? 'How could he, I love him with all my heart but he only dated me for the sake of a dare by his friends? why drag it to 6 months when it was suppose to be 3 months? Maybe he just wanted to use me and dump me when I am obsessed with him' not wanting to hear any of their conversation any longer, I ran out of the house as I could not control my feelings. Not wanting to be near Baekhyun I left, quickly heading home and called for my dad. Remembering that my dad was offered a chance to head to America to expand his business, I took this chance to leave with my dad wanting to forget anything that had happen here in Korea. As my phone kept ringing indicating that Baekhyun is calling me maybe to ask about my whereabouts, multiple messages from him and our close friends feeling frustrated I switch off my phone and did not bother checking any of it. Convincing my dad to book a flight straight away and leaving Korea right then., we succeeded and packed our clothes and things that were important and had agreed to ship the rest of our belongings to America once we had settled down.

At the airport we had checked in and now was seated as we wait for our plane to arrive before boarding. My face and my eyes were swollen and my dad had constantly asking me if I was sure to follow him to America as we agreed that I will stay here in Korea with Baekhyun. But those plans are gone as Baekhyun himself had ruined it. Not looking back when the announcement was made and I left Korea for a new future in America with my dad.

-Back to present-

Crying while explaining to Baekhyun the problem that had happened back then and Baekhyun was pissed off knowing the truth of my absence here in Korea. "That was it? that was why you left me? for 5 years?" he slightly shouted. "You did not hear the rest of the conversation did you? If you did you would not have left me and you should have let me explain" he exclaimed angrily and I was confused of what he meant?

That is it for Part 2! We will have a part 3 and that is finally a Baekhyun's pov 5 years ago! Please let me know how was this chapter? I will do better for part 3! Thank you for supporting -xoxocryz

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