Giving a Chance pt 1

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Hi guys, I'm back with another chapter. Please be patient with me as I cannot update Everyday like the other authors but I will try to upload whenever I can. Enjoy this chapter. -xoxocryz

Hyejin's pov

Days have past since the surprise date planned by Baekhyun, our relationship have been better since then. But knowing Baek he wants to give our relationship another chance but deep down I'm afraid of the challenges we will face together. Back then I ran away because I was afraid to faced it, I left him alone.

Skipping away my thoughts I woke up from my slumber and head to the kitchen knowing Baekhyun is getting ready for work and I will be heading school around noon. I head to the kitchen, there was nobody around and I was glad. Quickly grabbing any ingredients I could find and started making a simple breakfast for Baek and I.

Concentrating on the food not trying to burnt any ingredients I didn't realise Baek was being me when he stood beside me resting his body against my side.
"Good Morning baby, what you making" as he grab the spatula from my hands as he slowly brought the egg out of the pan. "I'm making some breakfast for us" trying to take the spatula away from him as he has gotten ready for work not wanting to ruin his outfit. "I can take it from here Baek, why don't you just sit down and wait. I will prepare this really quickly" trying to convince him.
"But I want to help you, baby you shouldn't be doing anything at all. I promise you to not make you do any house work and to tire yourself out" I look towards him like he was out of his mind or something.

'I just wanted to help.' pouting away in my mind "But I just wanted to help Baek, I have no classes in the morning so I can help around here" he shook his head disagreeing with the conversation we are having right now. "I have helpers around here" he tried telling me but pout getting upset "but you promise I could cook around here as I like to be in the kitchen" I argued back getting annoyed with this early morning conversation that is trying to ruin my favourite one of the day, breakfast.
"Fine fine, I'm sorry baby. I didn't mean to upset you. You can cook all you want and I will eat anything that you make" he smiled while squeezing my cheeks together forming a duck face on me.

He quickly allowed me to continue making out breakfast as he prepared the dining table for us.
'As I was making the breakfast, I was thinking of the thoughts I had in my bedroom earlier. I should open up to him and tell him about my feelings towards us being together' I place the last fried egg on the plate and made my way to the dining table where Baek was waiting for me. I place the plate on the table and took my usual seat opposite of him "Baek are you rushing for work today?" I questioned him he shook his head replying a no "can we have a talk after breakfast?" I asked him
"Why do you look so serious baby? Sure if that is what you want" he chuckled at my slight seriousness, making me chuckling along him as I'm glad he had time.

After breakfast, Baekhyun took the plates away from me as he made his way to wash the dishes "I told you I could do it right?" reminding him not liking I have nothing else to do. "I know you could do it, but I just want to help" as he assured me but why do I feel like he was mocking me from our earlier conversation.
Happily jogging back to the kitchen as I found something to do, putting away the ingredients I had use when I was making breakfast back to it's original places before taking a sit at the living room waiting for Baek to finish up. Many thoughts went through my mind as to how was I gonna bring this up for us.

Okay it is a short chapter for part 1 as I want to dedicate part 2 for the the rest of the chapter. A slight "tmi" they are finally opening up whatever they feel throughout the 5 years away from one another. Okay I think I spoiled it too much! Sorry for splitting the chapters now a days, I thought it would be nice with the atmosphere of the storyline. Anyways hope you enjoy! -xoxocryz

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