New Friend

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Chapter 7 - A new friend

Hyejin's pov

School is now one of my favourite places to hang out and study, back in the states i didn't had any friends and i was always alone. I had to always rush to work back and forth from home to school to my previous work place, i didn't get to make any friends and there wasn't anyone who was interested in talking to me either.

'i guess i'm one of those students where you get ousted by the entire school' but i'm glad that there is actually someone who is willing to be my friend and accepted me to hang out in their group. Kim Taehyung is in a group called Bangtan or BTS for short its a very famous dance group in our university whom is also the most popular and good looking guys ever and they are my new found friends. It's a little awkward as i am the only girl in the group and many other students look at me with awe or worst jealousy and anger since it's only my first day in school. This is why it's better to not get any attention at all.

School has already ended and Baekhyun told me that he couldn't come and pick me up from school since he got a last minute meeting at work so i had to head home myself. I was walking to the nearest bus-stop since i decided to reject baekhyun's offer of sending his driver to pick me up instead but it wasn't comfortable for me to accept it as i'm a nobody and taking the bus is fun. I was enjoying my walk since i finally got some free time for myself before i heard a honk and it feels like it is coming from behind me i decided to turn around and look at it before realizing that the driver is actually no other than Kim Taehyung himself the President of the school which i also just found out this morning. The car came and stop right in front of me "Hyejin where are you heading to?" he asked me so i replied "I'm heading home" innocently before he start giggling "i know you are heading home but which way? where is your house located at i will send you there?" i stood there thinking of what he just said and debating whether should i let him?

I made up my mind and decided to accept his offer and it is only a friendly act "It's about 2 streets away where all the big houses are located" i replied while pointing my finger to the direction we should go to. He nods his head and said "i stay around there too come in i will take you back home" i got in the car thanking for his kindness but it was very awkward being in the same car with a guy, the only person that i was alone in a car with is Baekhyun and no one else. After like what it seems like hours we reach Baekhyun's house "This is your house? It's really massive for someone like you staying here?" as curiosity hits him since it's the biggest house located in these neighborhood.

'should i tell him that this isn't my house and it is actually Byun Baekhyun's house or should i say mansion but i don't even know this dude but a very handsome dude'

Instead of replying truthfully i decided to cover up and said "This house actually belongs to my brother so i just stay in one of the rooms here" i replied to him shyly but nervously as i hope he buys it. "He must be really rich and you must be lucky to have a brother like him" he smiled and i swear he have the most angelic smile ever. Things were getting really awkward in the car so i made my leave and thank him once again for the ride home, i was smiling non-stop as i walked inside the house but i couldn't get my head together because of Taehyung, he is the most gentlemen person i have ever seen and his smile can make any girl crawl on their knees begging him to accept their proposal or maybe not that exaggerating.

'i may or maybe not have a slight crush on him and this isn't good at all'

I went up to my room the freshen up and get change before starting on my homework since i still have time to spare before i can start cooking dinner. I was busy doing my homework and waited for Baekhyun to return home but didn't realize that he had already reach and was standing by the door looking at me but the look on his face wasn't very pleasant and i think something bad might have happen at work that ruins his mood since i am really sure that i didn't do anything today that may upset or have i?

Realizing that no one is going to speak up i decided to talk first "I didn't know you had already reach home? How was work today?" as i put on the brightest smile that i could come up with. He started to walk even closer to me and was standing by the edge of the bed looking down at me before saying something that caught me off guard "Who was that guy that send you back home just now? Is that why you didn't accept my driver to pick you up? You were busy chatting with a guy and it is only your first day of school!" he bombard me with questions and he was speaking in a very angry tone. How did he know in the first place?

Alright guys Chapter 7 is up and i think Baekhyun is already jealous! I want to apologize to all of you since i couldn't update for awhile. My school had just started and it was already very hectic but today i took my time to write this chapter and i hope you will give lots of love and votes and comments! THANK YOU! -xoxocryz

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