I care

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Kim Taehyung's pov

- next day after meeting Hyejin-

Next morning came and I sat up on my bed thinking of my friendship with Hyejin, not sure what is this feeling going on inside of me but I can't seem to stop thinking about her even after I clearly make her thought that our friendship was over. Firstly, I did not know that she was Baekhyun's ex girlfriend, the one who left him.

It was a well known story across the high schools back then, there was a well known couple that seem to be so perfect that people started envying them and that couple was Baekhyun and Hyejin, the famous high school couple. They went to a nearby school close to mine which I attended but almost every high school around Seoul knows about the undying love between the both of them but it did not last long as Baekhyun's girlfriend who is Hyejin left Korea and nobody knows what happened. I did not know the entire story but rumors have it that they broke up because she dump him and he have not seen her for many years but he was well known for owning a multi-billionaire company at the last year of high school and many girl chase him as he was good looking and rich. After working with him for some time I have not seen him hanging or meeting other girls before and many have said that whenever his friends tried to hook him up with someone he will reject it and many have not seen a girl right beside him for many years. With the amount of hatred I had with him, I could agree that Baekhyun had only eyes for his ex.

However, rumors have started spreading when someone had seen Baekhyun being around a girl and many was excited to see who had actually break the thick wall of his heart. It wasn't until I had actually met her in school I would not have known that Hyejin was back in Korea and is living with her ex boyfriend, no matter how much I care for her she seems to be happy living with him. Something that I cannot seem to accept, Hyejin is the most beautiful girl I had ever seen her beauty shine even when she is surrounded by many people. Her laughter is the most beautiful sound to be heard, and her smile that I cannot forget.

'I need her by my side'

'Why does it have to be his, why does she need to be his? Why does he have everything that a guy ever wanted?'

Thinking too much is giving me a headache I got up from bed not letting my day be wasted as I get ready and head for breakfast. I decided to go to a nearby cafe to get some breakfast and there I saw a close friend of mine, Jimin.

Approaching him I sat with him at his table "Jimin-ah what are you doing here?" not sure why was he in a cafe so early in the morning. He looked up and smiled "Oh! Taehyung, I wanted to make some breakfast but was lazy to even do anything so I drag myself here to get some food." we laugh as he invite me to take a sit. "So you came to get some breakfast too?" I nodded my head as a waitress came to our table to get my order, she left when she had my order and headed back to the counter to key in my order. I look up to see Jimin staring at me and giving a smirk and I already know where this was going.

"I heard that you were seen hanging out with Hyejin yesterday, so how was it? were you not going to us at all? or introduce us to her at all?" he ask excitedly. Since when was he so agitated about knowing a girl story. I shook my head as i explain "It was not a date" and he laugh thinking that it was a joke. "anyway she have someone attach to her and I don't seem to want to steal her away from him, especially him" he frown not understanding my conversation. "Who is the he again?" he lean against the table waiting for my answer I look at him in the eye as I said "Baekhyun, Byun Baekhyun" it was like that name cannot be pronounced ever around us, as Jimin's eye got bigger in shock. "You hang out with Baekhyun's girl? I thought you said you did not want to have anything to do with him? Going to a cafe with her does not seem to stay away from him."

"Firstly, I did not know she was his girl from the start. I only knew when i drove her back home and she actually stop in front of his house and that was when I knew then." he was even more shock, "She stays with him in that huge mansion? Baekhyun do not allow anyone near his property remember." I nodded at his sentence agreeing with him "She is the girl, the girl that left him years ago. She is Hyejin, Kim Hyejin remember" he look like he was about to faint any moment. Like the truth is not understandable "no wonder I found that name so familiar, I did not know she was such a beauty Taehyung-ah, no wonder Baekhyun claims her so badly"

'There was something that Jimin does not know was that Hyejin might mean something to me now'

'After the break up with my ex who is Baekhyun's cousin and now I'm stuck in the same situation again but now with Kim Hyejin'

Finally a Taehyung's pov, hope you guys like it because I actually rushed to finish it! Remember to stay safe everyone. -xoxocryz

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