The Past

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Baekhyun's pov

Looking around me i was at the beach, the beach where i had brought Hyejin years ago. That day when i asked her to be officially mine, the time when i fell for her even more, the day she she smiled continiously every since.

Hyejin "Baek, it's beautiful! Why did you bring me here?" she asked curiously looking up to me.

Baekhyun "Do you like it baby?" I smiled knowing she couldn't take her eyes off from the scenery.

"I love it, how i wish i could stay here everyday right Baek?" She turn around looking right at me in the eyes, secretly wishing for it to come true.

And from there i knew that i need to make her dreams come true, to make it a reality.

Here i am standing the exact same place where i hold her in my arms when we kissed under the moonlight with so much love surrounding us, the memories started flowing through my mind to remind me how precious she was to me.

"Baby, i know that we never did imagine us being here by each others side. I know i was a jerk to you previously and i regret doing all those ungentleman ass move on you, i sincerely want to make it up to you right now. I'm sorry baby. I was a coward and didnt have the pride to approach you and apologise and tell you my true feelings towards you, i realised that i have been falling for you but was just stupid to not say anything about it." I poured out all my sincere feelings that i kept from all these years knowing i have to tell her about the crush that i have been having for us all these years but was a jerk ass for not exposing it. And now looking at her in my arms, i know that she was truly for me the angel.

Kim Hyejin was crying, tearing in my arms and i can't seem to undertsand what is going on in that tiny head of hers and i thought she might have actually hate me or got scared of me from my confession to her. 'Did i really say something bad?'

"Hyejin-ah if i said something wrong or you are not ready or anything, i apologise. I know i shouldn't have move too fast with you. But baby i can't wait any longer and i want you to be officially mine, Kim Hyejin my angel will you finally be my girlfriend?" i stared into her eyes like that was only us on this beach and nothing could break us apart from each other but i was nervous of how she would reply, would she accpet me? or reject me?

"yes, yes, yes Baekhyun I will finally be your girlfriend" and she laughed, smiling directly to me showing her most precious smile which melted my heart and i know she was finally mine, mine to hold and cherish and how much i love this girl right here.

We stood there by the beach in each others arm and nobody seems to want to move, she stood there resting her head on my chest probably feeling my heartbeat as we had our arms around each other.

I stood there staring at her trying to find her eyes before i decided to say those truthful 3 words "I love you" and she look up staring back into my eyes before giggling and replied "I love you too Byun Baekhyun, my baek" and i hugged her even closer even when we were sticking into each other, inseparable.

Back to now, i was smiling sitting down by the sand as the memories of us kept flowing back, i know i did wrond by just leaving her alone at home when i could be there trying to make her open up to me again but i know the both of us need some space to think through about the relationship right now, i know inside that beautiful heart of hers she still have feelings for me and that she still truely loves me and i will make sure that she will be by my side again.

I wondered what Hyejin is doing right now will she be eating the pancakes that i had made for her, no matter how mad i was to her i can't stay mad at her for even a minute yet she is even locking herself up in the room and it makes me even harder to approach her. Well teachnicaly i had the keys to that room and i could open it up anytime but i know she will hate me even more for doing it and she needed time to adjust to the situation right now and she was upset about my jealousy towards that guy that send her back home after school.

I was angry, upset even and i could not control my anger and took out on her but i was upset that there was guys around her and i am sure they want to get her and steal her away from me. I want her to finally be back into my arms so that i could show those guys that she was mine and they have to back off, she was MINE!

And with that i made a decision i have return back home and talk to her, Kim Hyejin i'm coming and don't you dare walk away from me again.

Hey guys! It's been awhile, i know and i am sorry for not updating for very long but hey i did it! Thank you for all the comments that you given about asking me to keep updating this book! i hope i didnt disappoint you guys at all. Thank you for supporting my books! Please vote, share and comment!


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