Falling Again

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Hey, my lovely readers, I am back with after finishing my exams peacefully. Finally, stressful week is done for and I can concentrate on the book again. Just a heads up this book is slightly depressing so read at your own risk. Hope you guys will love this chapter as much as I do. -xoxocryz 

Hyejin's pov 

"A pathetic liar just like them" "You are pathetic, why are you, my daughter" "You are pathetic"  the word 'Pathetic' hits me really bad after Taehyung walked out of class leaving me alone with my thoughts, those exact same words that my dad used to say to me after his comany gone bankrupt. Back in the States when we just moved, we had lived in a wonderful and cozy apartment back then my dad was still doing pretty well with his business the only time when things came crumbling down, was the business my dad had built came crashing as my dad lost focus from the loss of my mother and the number of loans we had from everyone. He would drink and get drunk every day and came home to bring out his anger on me. As our savings began to get lesser I got worried with the number of loans and bill payments we needed to pay with my father addicted to drinking it was hard to adapt to the situation causing me to be thrown out into the real world to find part-time jobs to uphold some food onto our tables.

Something in me was glad that Baekhyun had brought me here so I could escape from my father's vicious temper and drunk state every day and overworking myself with school and jobs I could not see myself as who I was back in Korea when I was younger, when my mother was still around when my family was happy and lovely. It will be a lie that since coming back to Korea I had not thought of my dad or the thought of him trying to live well and whether he had eaten or not. 

'Those years that I had left him was the years that I had suffered as well.'

Knowing Baekhyun does not know the life I had back in America I plan to keep it that way not trying to let him know as I was embarrassed, here he was building up his life even when he was falling, he still got back up and tried. But I didn't I fell hard yet was not ready to stood back up and stand strong, I was scared. Scared of everything.

Now I am seated on the toilet seat with the cover place down bringing my legs up in front of me as I held them against my chest crying my eyes out, bring my mask down as I cried exposing myself as I was vulnerable. 

'That girl who just wanted to live a normal life' 

Baekhyun's pov 

Stressing over the company, making sure everything is prepared properly as a huge contract is going to be settled in my hands, signing and checking every single detail ensuring that the contract will have a smooth transaction. 

As I was with my work, I received a call from Hyejin's school. Knowing that the school belongs to me I had ask a special request to always take good care of her in school, and if anything is suspicious that they will have to report to me. Picking up the call "Hello Mr Byun, apologies for calling you when you are busy but your girlfriend Kim Hyejin has not report back after she ran into the restroom sir" the person exclaimed knowing that they were slightly scared of me. Feeling the stress starting to climb back up I sighed "There must be a reason why she had lock herself up in the restroom, what were you guys doing when I had instructed everyone to look after her and not provide any harm towards her" quickly I took my suit jacket, my car keys and my wallet and head towards my car not caring with the amount of work piling up for the upcoming contract, right now Hyejin is in harm and I need to see her. "Sorry sir but she was talking to one of the students before she dismissed herself to the restroom, we did not know what had happened," they said casually on the phone and knowing Hyejin she does not have any friends in school and my prediction is that one person 'Kim Taehyung' 

Starting up my car I zoom passed my company and headed straight to Seoul University, one of the top universities in Korea, and knowing many does not know that it belongs to me and I would like to keep it that way. Reaching my destination not bothering to look where I had parked  knowing the staff here would be to scared to do anything anyway, I ran into the campus trying to find Kim Hyejin, my girl. Looking around and I saw the staff that had called me, he brought me along the corridor before stopping outside the women's restroom I look around trying and notice there were no students around, I nodded my head and instructed him to dismiss the students around the corridor and try not to have any students entering the restrooms. Slowly I made my way inside hearing the creaking of the door as I step foot on the toilet tiles, looking around to see if Hyejin is inside but I notice one of the cubicles is locked and I could hear sniffing and a soft silent cry and my heart stopped. 

'my baby is crying'

Trying not to make so much noise, I made my way stopping outside the cubicle she is in and slightly and gently knocking the door "Hey baby, it's me. Please open the door" speaking softly trying not to scare her. I could hear the sniffing got louder as she tries to muffle her cries in. "Please baby open the door for me, I just need to see you" I pleaded. Badly I wanted to kick the door open but knowing it will only make her even more scared. I needed her to open the door, I needed to see her, be in my arms. Being patient as I pleaded and pleaded before I heard the door unlocking as she went directly into my arms, her head resting against my chest as she cried out wrapping her arms around my waist as she held tight not wanting to let go. I sighed in relieve knowing she had finally opened the door and at least she is here wrapped around me. Closing in on her I wrapped my arms around her body bringing her even more closer, giving the comfort she needs as I rub her back letting her cry it out not bothering to ask what had happened as I know she needs to calm down.

How cute is it? Please this chapter is making me cry. Hope you guys love it as much as I did. Thank you for supporting me! -xoxocryz 

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