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Hyejin's pov

Morning arrived, truthfully i didn't had any sleep last night. I was furious yet worried because i didn't know where did Baekhyun went to. There wasn't any noise/sound of doors opening or closing not even footsteps heard or maybe i was too tired to even notice, yet i couldn't get a close eye. I woke up and tidy up my bed before heading to the shower, i decided to wear casual today pairing ripped jeans with a white oversized hoodie before wearing a white sneakers and head out to the kitchen to make some breakfast for me and Baekhyun. Even though i was mad at him but humans need to eat too right, i don't really like eating alone because it is very awkward and just weird (or is it just me?) at least having a company to eat with makes it less awkward i guess?

When i walked down from the stairs i could smell food being cooked in the kitchen curious i went down faster to see who it was. Baekhyun said that the servants will never cook in this house so i am definitely sure it is not them, could it be him Baek that is cooking? Well he cooked pancakes last night for me but it didn't taste as nice but it is the sincerity that counts right? When i got into the kitchen there he was wearing a cute pink apron while trying to cook kimchi jiggae, that cute pout that he does when things doesn't goes his way and the concentration and focus to get his task done.

'if only i could pinch those cheeks and kiss those cute pouty lips away'

I stood there for nearly 5 minutes just thinking about how swoon i was with this guy infront of me, no matter what he did or do i still love him with all my heart but the past that happened has block it from showing my love to him, it stop.

Looking at him still struggling i decided to take over the cooking before he burns the entire kitchen, "Good Morning" i said trying to start a conversation to make things less awkward from last night. He turns around after hearing my voice before giving me that full toothly smile and how handsome he looks with it and replied me a "a very Good Morning indeed."

"Just take a sit at the table, i will finish up here. I hope you don't mind having korean meal in the morning and i know how much you missed the food here in Korea since you spend so much time in America." I shook my head laughing at knowing how did he know that i have been wanting to eat korean food so badly after so many years, even cooking it at america wasn't the same as having the locals made it here in Korea.

"I could help, i dont want you to burn the kitchen or worse hurt yourself." i suggested hoping that he could let me take over the cooking not that i didn't trust him is just that i would still want to stay alive, i'm still young to die you know. "It's okay just sit down baby, i've got it under control and don't you trust me? i make the best korean dishes ever and i am sure you will keep begging me for more after tasting this." and i laughed at how confident he sounds, lets just trust him this time, maybe just once...

"Also i would like to apologise to you about last night for not informing you where i went, i just went to get some fresh air and when i returned i thought you were already asleep so i quickly went to my room to not wake you up."

"I don't want us to keep fighting Hyejin-ah you just return back here after 5 damn years and being annoyed and angry with you just make me even angrier at myself, i'm sorry about my jealousy. I admit i am still very posessive with you it's because i love you and you are finally back into my arms and seeing you with another guy just make me flip. I'm sorry can we please forget about yesterday and enjoy our breakast before you go to school?" he asked turning to look at me and i saw his eyes looking at me like how he always does 5 years ago with so much love and determination. I nod my head and replied with a quiet "yes Baek, i would like that" and waited for my breakfast to be serve.

Breakfast wsn't as bad as i thought it would be, i wasn't the best kimchi jiggae i tasted but i give it a pass and Baekhyun was the one who cooked it and i'm sure whoever have eaten it will have said that it was delicious even though it wasn't right?

"Thank you for the food Baek and thanks for cooking for me this morning are you going to send me to school today?" i asked Baekhyun curiously as i wasn't really sure of how his schedule is like yet for work. He nodded replying me with a "From now on it is my job to send you to school and fetch you back home, even though we are fine now but i am still not happy with that guy that send you home so from now it's me that is suppose to do okay it baby" with that he walked away getting ready to head out work and send me to school while stood there thinking of what he just said and giggled, sometimes Baekhyun is very unpredictable and possesive.

Hey guys! how are all of you doing? I finally updated a chapter after having like writers block for so long because i don't know how to conitnue this story anymore... If you guys have any ideas on how you guys want the story to continue like do tell me and share with me to give me more ideas. I'm sorry if i have not been updating but i will try my best. I would also like to know if you all prefer Baekhyun to call Hyejin by "Baby" , "Babe" or "Jagiya" ????? please do comment below and tell me your suggestions and i will look into it for my next chapter! -xoxocryz

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