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Hyejin's pov

After knowing the truth from Baekhyun, he left for work leaving me alone in an extreme loop. I'm confused. So many questions but no answers.
That's it! I had enough of the ignoring, today is the day I am going to confront Taehyung to tell me why, to understand his situation before I judge anything. I may love Byun Baekhyun but Taehyung deserves an explanation and maybe just maybe things will get better between them.

I took my phone from my bedroom and proceed to text Taehyung "Hey Taehyung! Are you free today? Can we meet?" And hopefully, he did receive it and was willing to meet up with me.
A few moments later I receive a reply "Hey, sure. Is it possible to meet now in the cafe near the school?" I was blown away because he was willing to meet up with me.

"Let's hope his story is the same as what Baekhyun was saying"

In the cafe with a strong aroma of the coffee, I brought mine to the table before settling down waiting for him to arrive. With a muffin on a plate, I dig in enjoying the flavourful delicious chocolatey. I heard a ding indicating someone has entered or left the cafe turning my head around there he is Kim Taehyung the other guy who was ignoring me all this while. I kept my composure still eating my muffin while waiting for him to take a seat. "Hey, you waited long?" As he took his seat opposite of me smiling down at me as he sees the plate of muffin gone clean.
"Nope, I just arrive about 15 mins ago. How are you, I haven't been seeing you lately?" as I ask awkwardly, he nodded smiling placing his bag and things on the floor.
"Looks like he went to play sports or something. He is so sweaty"
"I'm fine Hyejin, I'm just been busy with school and other activities. So you wanted to meet? Not that I'm complaining or anything but won't you little Boyfriend be jealous if you meet up with me alone?" I was slightly offended by the way he said, yes Baekhyun can be very possessive when it comes to me but the way Taehyung said it just makes me feel mad.  I tried to smile but showing that I was taken aback by his sentence "I just wanted to meet you to see how you are because you have been ignoring me, I just wanted to see if you were fine?"
"I'm very well living my life Hyejin, you can continue with the act of yours somewhere else. If I know you were his girlfriend I wouldn't have approached you in the first place. I thought you were different, someone I could rely on after all these years" he was furiously looking very red. But I was even more shock.
I say they're trying to take in whatever he just said.
"I don't know the full of the story of why really happen 5 years ago Taehyung and you need to explain to me, please. So I'm able to understand better"
"Didn't your Boyfriend told you already? What's more to explain?" He tried to take his things and wanting to leave. But I stop him I need the answers.

I look at him desperately "Please, you can leave after explaining and I won't bother you again" it was a juggling situation.
"My father was a huge fan of the Byun's company, they started really small but after years of managing, they grow even bigger knocking down many well-known companies here in South Korea. After knowing about the death of the CEO and his Wife who is Baekhyun's parents, his Son took over and shockingly was still in high school back then. My Father was desperate to search who it was and he came into light as the youngest CEO and the richest all over Korea. Everyone envies him, including me."

"Why you ask? It's because my dad wanted to me to take over his company the Kim Co. for very long now but I kept rejecting his offer, and after Baekhyun's news came out he became even more furious saying that I should have taken the title or that if I had listened to him more people would want to partner up with us. But I had my own dreams, something that I want to pursue on my own. I wanted to sing be on stage but he was against it. He hates it when you think about it which well known businessman wants their kids to work a manual job when you can be the boss of your own. He then decided to partner up with the Byun's and surprisingly Baekhyun agreed. In the contract was stated that the two companies work together in exchange for Baekhyun's time to teach me the ways. But I was too focused on my dreams to agree to it, he made the effort to meet me in my studio or tried to call me at night to see me but I refuse and refuse. I was being difficult when he was nice. But I hated it not Baekhyun but I hated the idea of working for my dad. But things got worse when I found out that my girlfriend was Baekhyun's cousin, I was annoyed full of anger. Not only is my Father loving him but my own girlfriend is even related to him, everything evolves around him.  And now you" nothing can explain what I'm feeling right now but Taehyung was hurt all this while but it's all a misunderstanding. Didn't Baekhyun explain?
Before I could say anything "you were a great Friend Hyejin but if you kept being by his side I will have to see you as my enemy now. You should have told me before if you tried using me to his advantage instead of trying to be nice" and he left.

"I didn't even get to explain myself, so he thought I was being nice to him or everyone because of Baekhyun?"

Hey guys how are you! Finally, the next chapter is up! I'm so excited 🙈
Please keep supporting me. And those who haven't follow my Instagram page pls do! @xoxocryz_ff
Love -xoxocryz

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