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Hye Jin's POV

My morning was going way better than expected, after having breakfast with Baekhyun we are currently on the way to my school. Baekhyun decided to be my personal chauffeur from now on due to Taehyung being a friendly and kind Friend to send me home since I had to find my way home myself. Till now I didn't understand why Baekhyun has to be so jealous about it? It's only a friendly gesture, it couldn't be jealousy right? I don't even know Taehyung that well yet. Baekhyun should have known better that I will never look into other guys at all because my love for him is huge.

'Let's just keep that secret between us alright'

Seeing Baekhyun drive is the most coolest thing ever, he looks mesmerising and so handsome. With that one hand on the steering wheel and the other on the console and Baekhyun in a suit is a die for. Since Baekhyun works in the office all the time, he always wear suits. After staying with him for a few days I still get stunned by how good looking he is in a suit and you should see how many of them he have in his closet, it's like a whole collection of them. The perfect silence in the car between us no music whatsoever and only the sound of cars driving by and the air conditioning of the car, I was looking out of the window seeing how Korea has change within those 5 years that I was gone, not much has change but being away for years makes it feel brand new.

"Let's go on a date tonight, after you come back from school. We could go on a short date, I want to bring you some where" Baekhyun broke the silence he slightly turn to glance at me before looking back on the road smiling away. A date? That doesn't sound so bad, I need some fresh out and staying at home and in school is just too boring.
"Where are we going though?" I tried asking but all he said was "it's a secret, I will fetch you later and send you back home then get change into something comfortable, I will see you later" as we arrive outside of my school, I turn to glance to him and found him looking at me giving me that cute puppy smiley face. I thanked him for the ride before opening the car door and went out but not before Baekhyun said "have a nice day in school, I love you and I will wait till the day you say that back to me" and he drove off leaving me on the pathway thinking of what he just said. I am also not sure  when will be the day when I could reply those 3 words too.

I smiled and turn to walk in to the school compound, today is a good day and I can feel it.
After getting my books from the locker, I was heading to class when someone stopped me by calling my name "Hyejin-ah" I turn around to find where it came from and it was Taehyung smiling as he wave to me before approaching me. "Hi hey jin, good morning" as he smiled to me giving me that toothy smile, "hey, good morning to you too" I replied.
"So I know you just started schooling here and you are all new and all but I was wanting to ask you this if you would like to hang out after school today, you know to get to know each other and all. I know we just met and all but I find you fun and pretty" Taehyung confessed I stood there not knowing what to do or what to reply, Taehyung is a great guy good looking as well but I have a date with Baekhyun tonight but I also don't want to disappoint Taehyung.
"I'm sorry Taehyung, I have something on tonight but we can still hang out next time" I tried explaining to him, he look slightly disappointed but he hide it by giving me a smile and said "it's fine there's always a next time right?" I nodded my head before continuing to walk to class.

We sat on our desk and Taehyung is my desk mate Everyday from now on since we have the same class all the time. "So you have a Brother?" I was preparing for class when Taehyung has bombarded me with that question I turn my head towards him and just stared at him "a Brother?" I questioned.
"Yeah the other day when I send you back home and you said that house was your brothers?" He ask curiously, I was getting nervous as I'm not sure how am I suppose to reply that to him I decided to not lie anymore "actually that is not my brothers house, it belongs to a Friend?" He was stunned "oh so is he your boyfriend?"
"No, we are just friends, really long time friends" I replied as the teacher strolled in and every student were seated getting ready for class to start.

'Well it was slightly the truth Baekhyun and me go way back since high school' I tired reassuring myself. But not forgetting that I have a date tonight.

Hey! It's been a while, and I'm tired of saying I'm sorry and I know you guys are tired of me apologising and yet updating really late again but overall I updated like finally! Can't wait for the next chapter "ITS THE DATE" that everyone has been waiting for. I didn't use Baby or Jagiya in this chapter because I'm still deciding what to use, so please comment below your choices before I make my final judgement to use it for the next chapter as it is the date day. Keep supporting! -xoxocryz

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