He is Annoying

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Chapter 4 - He is Annoying

Hyejin's pov

We are currently at Baekhyun's house and I have to be honest it is like staying in a mansion, it's huge.
'He must have work really hard to own all this money'

"That room is yours it's opposite mine so if you need any help you can ask me" as he showed me my room which is not like how I expected it too look like. I thought it will just be normal typical room but it actually looks like my dream room which I always wanted. I was busy looking around the room being mesmerized before Baekhyun broke the silence and ask me "Baby you like it?" he still remembers what I always wanted with all these years.
"Yeah I like it, you still remembered how I wanted my own room to be?"
he smirk but I could see sadness in the smile. "This is the kind of room you told me about when we were moving into my new house right? Everything must be white and black like your favourite colours?" And I stood there stunt on his words.

'I remember that, baekhyun would always talk about future when we were younger how we would like our future home to be and what type of room our room would look like? Our room? I don't think that would ever happen'

"Oh and by the way baby girl the servants in the house are only here in the morning and in the evening they will head home after they are done with their chores" why would he get servants that only stay in the morning?
''Why don't you want to get permanent staff?" I ask curiously
"You don't like having servants remember and you always love cooking? And you always wanted to do the things yourself but this house is too big so I ask the servants to do it but feel free to cook whenever you want alright?" I nod my head in a way that I understood on what he said.

Baekhyun smiled at me and I smiled back thanking his hospitality but before I could get my mind back straight I was pulled into a hug
"I miss you so much, so so much. All these years I kept thinking about you always at how you are doing but seeing you here now I won't let you go again baby, never." I was move and touched by his words but rembering back that I shouldn't be so weak in front of him.

"Can you stop calling me baby, I am not your baby you know" as I pout trying to change the subject, but he finds it funny as he kept laughing.
"You like it when I called you baby admit it, you are really cute" and he stood there trying to control his laughter "it's not funny!!" and I was getting mad at him laughing at me.
"Okay I'm sorry for laughing but you were too cute, its getting late you should get some rest. See you tomorrow morning" he smiled as he place his hand on my cheeks before saying goodnight and left to his room.
And I stood there as blood rush to my cheeks making it look really cherry.

'I guess being here right now isn't really bad as it seems'

The next morning came and the sun was shining brightly I was awake due to the sunlight. I am awake but was confuse at where I was but remembered that I was at Baekhyun's house and this will be my room from now on, I have to get use to this.
I quickly got up and get ready before heading down 'I hope baekhyun's is not awake and breakfast is not made yet so I can cook it myself'

I am in a very happy mood this morning and I hope that annoying person won't spoil it for me.
I came into the kitchen and saw that non of the servants were even making any eye contact it seems that baekhyun was serious about not talking to them. I was glad that the breakfast wasn't made but table was already set up so I decided that I should get cooking.

I was already done with the cooking and was busy playing the dish when "Good morning you are up early?" I turn around d as I heard the voice that I once love. "Good morning I thought I should make breakfast"
As I brought the plates to the table and settling down with baekhyun as he stated on the food with a huge teethly smile spread on his face
"This looks really good, thank you for cooking. I really miss your food" I nodded not wasting anymore time before the both of us dig in, I was really hungry.

Bsekhyun was eating a lot and luckily I made plenty for him "this is really delicious breakfast was really good, it's been so long since I had a really good breakfast" that's really nice to hear as I know baekhyun's parents had already passed on when he was in high school and he has been living alone all those years and I don't think he eats a lot of home cook food, I'm glad he likes it.
"That's good that you like it I can cook breakfast from now on" he smiled in return and smiled back before we both clean the mess up I made in the morning.

Baekhyun's pov

'She is smiling more often now and I'm glad she is trying to be comfortable and doing what she loves to do because I don't want her to be uncomfortable and awkward around me. I hope I get she will gain to trust and open up her heart again for me.

That's all for Chapter 4! Hope you like it... Thank you! -xoxocryz

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