New Memories pt 1

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Hey guys! I'm back with a new chapter, I was listening to Baekhyun new "Delight" Album while on the way to work. And I got inspired, so I quickly type this chapter while on the way to work! Thank you for sticking around and constantly giving me support guys! Enjoy! -xoxocryz

Baekhyun's pov

It was a brand new day, a bright sunny morning allowing us to absorb the heat. It's a new day for me to creat more memories with Hyejin, I decided to cancel all of my appointments and meetings of the day and plan a special day just for her. Just me and her, no problems, no thoughts and no past memories that are haunting us.

While making breakfast, I ensured that Hyejin was still asleep before calling up places to set up a wonderful date just for today. Happily nodding my head as everything was finally done, just to make sure that Hyejin enjoys them. As I was making breakfast with our dear princess, I heard footsteps coming towards the kitchen and I knew straight away it's her, I kept my position with the pancakes and I heard a "Good Morning Baek" I smiled
'It's a good morning indeed' turning around smiling "Good Morning Baby" looking at her beautiful face this morning is making me nervous about today.
I was interrupted of my thoughts when "What are you making?" as Hyejin look towards the delicious round pancakes that I was trying to flip "I'm making some pancakes baby, why don't you take a sit I will serve this to you when it's done" I suggested not wanting her to do anything today but to just relax and enjoy. "But I want to help Baek, let me help you set up the plates then." I did not hesitate and agreed as I knew how stubborn Kim Hyejin can get when she wants something 'she has me wrap around little fingers'

Everything was set up nicely as I placed the pancakes on the dining table and had one piece on Hyejin's plate before pouring some Orange Juice into our cups as I took a seat opposite of her. Hyejin look up to me and thank me before pouring the thick and sweet syrup onto her pancakes. Looking at her giggling and smiling to herself knowing her love for pancakes is irreplaceable. I took the plate from her as I sliced the pancakes into bite size pieces for her to easily consume and maybe because I actually care for her.
(Don't you love an extra loving boy right here, I want some pancakes too Baek, okay back to story)

"Thank you, I really appreciate it" as I place the plate of nicely sliced pancakes in front of her as I watch her eat up all of her pancakes in such a short period of time, wondering where all the food head to with such a tiny body. 'A normal morning, this is the feeling having the love of your life with you having breakfast and just having a conversation as we talk about our daily adventures together.'

'A morning where I want to last it forever'

Breakfast was great, as all the pancakes had been consume mostly by the only one Kim Hyejin. I quickly got up and took the plates and started doing the dishes. Hyejin as always "Baek, I was going to wash the dishes, you made breakfast so it is my turn to do something in return" as she pout as she have nothing else to do. I chuckled softly ensuring her "I got this you don't need to anything for today, I want you to head to the bedroom and get change we have places to go today. And wear something nice and warm it might be cold today" I dismissed her quickly into the bedroom not wanting to see her pout quickly before I decide to forget the dishes and just kiss that pout away.
(I know you all wish to be Kim Hyejin. I want to be her too)

As the dishes are cleared away, I head into my bedroom to change and get ready for the surprise date today. Changing into a new outfit, confirming that I look great in the mirror and ensuring that I had everything before heading outside to wait for our precious princess. Waited and waited and finally the sound of her bedroom door opens, nervously waiting for her as she stood in front of me waiting for me to snap out of my thoughts, I looked at her outfit and was glad she took my advice. "You look pretty jagiya, come on" (I just tried to change baby to jagiya just once and the feeeeeeeeeeeeeels!!!)

I interlaced our hands together and brought her towards my car, opening up the passenger side allowing her to slide in before closing the door slowly before sliding into the driver seat and starting the car. "Where are we going Baek?" She questioned I took her hand in mine and interlaced it together, kissing the back of her hand as I smiled towards her "We are going to have fun today, it is a surprise for you" assuring her that everything is fine. She shook her head and place her other hand on my arm grabbing my attention, "What kind of surprise, please Baek. I want to know now" she pouts, and my whole keeping a surprise started crashing down. 'How do you say no to that'
I tried to keep my composure and shook my head not allowing any slip of answers out of my mouth. "Nope sorry baby, you might have to wait and find out" giving her a huge smile knowing I did well. She pouts even further but started relaxing onto her seat enjoying the view of Seoul as we raced out onto our date.

After much driving, we arrived at our destination. Hyejin looked out of the window and started getting all excited "Baek, it's the Amusement Park. Did you bring us here today?" I nodded as she squealed.

Yay! To a new chapter! Enjoy 😉 Part 2 is coming soon! -xoxocryz

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