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Hey guys, thank you for giving this book so much love even though I took my time in giving this book the attention it needs. However, today I would like to surprise everyone with a small sequel for this book so enjoy! - xoxocryz

No one's Pov

It was a blissful day, birds are chirping happily, the weather is excellent and everything is going as planned. Guests have slowly strolled into the hall as they took their assigned seats given in their invitation. As busy as the day could get it was just a start, people were chatting loudly across the halls as they greeted one another when they spot familiar faces around. As time tick by the hall deemed dark as the guests were asked to be seated accordingly and the silence appeared, excitement drew close as they look around the hall waiting for what has to arrive.

Back in the dressing room behind the great hall was the very one Byun Baekhyun who is getting ready for a very big day, the day he imagined years ago when they were in high school. The day he could not wait to call Kim Hyejin "mine". Yes, the day has come, everyone, we would like to invite you to Byun Baekhyun's and Kim Hyejin's wedding. Five years ago both had wanted to be in this place, side by side as the excitement drew closer but yet many challenges had consumed them affecting them to be separated further and further away. But fate will always be around and this time fate had brought them back together again assuring that time it will be forever.

Byun Baekhyun's pov

Walking and pacing around, my heart kept beating faster and faster and it feels like it is going to explode. Standing just a few meters away from my bride-to-be was making me extra nervous. "Baekhyun with you walking up and down is making me extra dizzy, will you please take a seat?" asked my best friend Park Chanyeol he was one of my groomsmen. "I'm trying to relax" trying my very best to sound confident as ever but that sentence did not go past Chanyeol that easy "That is you trying to relax? Baekhyun everything will be fine you do not have anything to be nervous about" he exclaimed trying hard to calm me down. But being me I could not calm my heart down at all, it is making me insane, there were so many questions going inside my head "What if Hyejin decides not to get married at the last minute?" or "What if she ran away from the wedding?" or "What if I am not good enough for her?" many 'what ifs' were flooding my mind as I paced around the room even more. Looking at Chanyeol as he shook his head but slightly amused seeing his best friend looking even more nervous than the bride. Yes he had gone to greet Hyejin congratulations before coming to calm his friend down and being very honest she is really beautiful and Baekhyun is one lucky guy. Not wanting Baekhyun to waste more energy being nervous, he pulled the groom's arm and forced him to be seated before passing him a bottle of water to try to make him relax.

As the time approached Baekhyun was asked to enter the hall and get ready to welcome the bride to march in with his soon to be father-in-law. Hyejin and her dad had gotten better after Baekhyun had brought Hyejin back to America to greet him officially after all these years. Both had hug each other as soon as they met which made Baekhyun missed his parents even more. Hyejin's dad had welcome Baekhyun with open arms and he was delighted to see that Baekhyun was the one Hyejin had ran away to and he was glad it was him all along.

Patiently and patiently waiting as he taps his foot constantly on the floor as he waited for the door to open widely introducing the love of his life. With cue to his mind, the music played as everyone turned their head towards the door to welcome the beautiful bride, and Baekhyun was shaking even more. As the hall door opened the lights shine brightly and there she was, strolling slowly as she stepped on the red carpet entering the hall linking her father's arm as she smiled brightly towards Baekhyun. And he was stunned at how beautiful Hyejin was today, she is beautiful every day but today she was stunning. Smiling from ear to ear he couldn't hide his expression as he stared at his bride-to-me coming near him as her dad gave her arm to him. Baekhyun bowed slowly thanking him as she took her hand in his and treasuring the moment every second they could.

No One's Pov

The ceremony went on as they were wedded to be husband and wife, everyone congratulates them as they walk around the hall to greet and take pictures with their close friends and relatives. It was the day where Kim Hyejin has become Byun Hyejin, the day the 5 years of being away from each other drew them even closer.

That is the end of the story of Byun Baekhyun and Kim Hyejin's "She's only Mine" Thank you for your support, do comment down below if you prefer to have another Baekhyun's book or a book with one of the NCT Dream Members being the main. Do let me know in the comments! Thank you! - xoxocryz

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