Forget the past

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Chapter 5 - Forget the past

Baekhyun's pov

I need to know what made her leave last 5 years but not now, not when she is trying to open up again. Instead of trying to make the past great again I need us to forget the past but create a new future.
I want a future with her, Kim Hyejin the one and only that I truly love and have never forgotten all this time.
I need to work today and I decided to apply for Hyejin to continue her education since it's what she really wants right now.

"Hyejin baby today I am going to get an application at the university here and I thought you would like to come along to see how the school is?"
I was hoping really badly that she will not be mad about my decision about making her school at Seoul University, it is the only school I know she can be safe and be in good hands as my grandfather owns that school but was pass down to my parents which was pass down to me when they pass on but I didn't know how to run a school other than a company so I hired others to work it for me.

"Really? You will help me apply for it? I heard it's not easy to get a school here after dropping out?" I could see alittle fear in her, scared because it's true if you are a drop out it is harder for you to get accepted again.
But not to worry I own the school remember and I will make sure she gets the best.
"I'm Byun Baekhyun remember and I get what I want, come on are you going to go out like that or are you going to change to a better outfit not that I am complaining about the bunny pajamas" I giggled as I walk away knowing her jaws drop and redness from her face due to embarrassment.

'The look on her face was so cute but I need to get change too'

We are currently driving in my car and Hyejin is seated beside me being all excited as she will get to start school again but with a better environment without much stress now. Since she was all over the place back in America and I will make sure that it won't happen again.
"Are your excited?" I ask as I could see her smiling from ear to ear.
"I am super excited I could go to school again but with your help, thank you" she turn and smiled to me before turning back looking out of the window, I glanced at her and notice how beautiful she looks under the sunlight, I must be whipped.

I got her registered and sign up all ready to start class again
"Remember this is your timetable for class and you will get your books by tomorrow, you sure you have everything with you? Do you need anything?" I can't help but be worried about her.
"I'm fine baek if I need anything, I will call you anyway I have two lessons only for today so I will be home early" I nodded in agreement but rembered "oh I almost forgot I have work today and won't be back till after lunch so I can't keep you accompany at home but I promise we can head out for dinner tonight if you want?" I suggested
"It's okay I can start packing my things for school tomorrow anyway and sure why not? Let's go out for dinner because I'm tired of cooking already" and we both laugh after that sentence "baby you just cooked like one time and you already tired" I gave her the look like 'are you serious?'.
"Hey you said that I don't need to do much at home so I can do whenever I want" as she pouts cutely.
"Yeah it's up to you baby girl it's your choice, you better head to class before you get into trouble on your first day" and with that it got her worried and up on her feet before dashing through the hall to her class.

'I remembered when we were still in high school Hyejin was always excited for class no matter what subject it is she just love being in school and studying but for a study maniac she wasn't all smarty pants as she seems. Hyejin always get an average score no matter how much she puts in the effort but I was the opposite. The playful nature who only thinks about friends and school sucks badly but when it comes to exams I will get a high score beating all the students standards. And with that being said Hyejin was the one that actually approach me first being all angry and jealousy because she was the nerdy one and I was the playful one but I could get a better score than her.
That was how it first started that attracted me to her from then we kept seeing each other in school but not because we like each other but because we hated each other at first.'

Like they say 'hate is the opposite of love, if you hate each other soon enough it will turn into love'

"Hello Min I need you to make sure that all the teachers and the staff in the school knows that she is someone really important to me and if something happens to her they will have to pay, understood?" I called my P.A as she handles everything that is related to my business and as a huge company man I have to make sure everything goes my way even if I have to fire someone.

How was Chapter 5? Sorry for the long wait as it was Christmas week and also my birthday I had a lot of preparations to do so I couldn't update.

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