PruCan : Seeking Warmth❄️

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Even though winters below zero were something Prussia was used to, spending them in Canada's place was the worst. Sometimes he would get down to -20 degrees Celsius back in Europe, but never down to -40! The eastern country quaked under his snow jacket, cursing under his breath. His boyfriend on the other hand was tranquilly walking down the icy street, numb to the cold at this point. In fact, he was only wearing a small jacket, compared to Prussia who probably wore three times his weight in clothes.

The couple was headed to a local Christmas party to which they had both been invited to. This surprised Prussia since he barely spent time with anyone else on his visits, his stay entirely dedicated to the shy blond. Canada explained it was a hockey team who asked them to come. The albino had befriended the players when Canada had brought him along to watch the aggressive iceskating sport.

The sun had set hours ago although it was only eight thirty p.m. The tall blond stared at the clear sky, thoughtfully admiring its sparkling specks of light. Suddenly he felt a certain weight press down on his back. He stopped walking and turned to his mate who was hugging him from behind.

"What is it Schatzi?" he softly asked with a smile. He loved using nicknames from his beloved's language, he believed it brought them closer as a couple. Prussia tightened his grip and rubbed his face against Canada's back.

"It's freezing balls out here and I'm about to become a motherfriggen ice cube," complained the European nation. The blond tilted his head slightly amused and was about to respond but Prussia continued with a sly grin and a smug tone. "So I need to hug the hottest person I see..."

Canada tensed upon hearing the words. His face heated up and turned bright red. Prussia chuckled knowing he had momentarily broken his boyfriend. He sneaked his frozen hands under Canada's jacket and stuck them to his bare back. The shy country let out a high-pitched screech and immediately closed his hands over his mouth in embarrassment.

Prussia bent over cackling. He struggled staying up, his hysterical laughter almost bringing him to his knees. The cocky nation's partner crossed his arms and fought a smile, a little angry of the ambush. Finally collecting enough air to breathe properly, Prussia walked back up to Canada and laced his arm around the country's shoulders. He planted a sweet kiss on his left cheek and murmured a playful apology.

Canada sighed and pinched his lover's cheeks from under his chin and pressed the nation's lips against his own. Prussia smiled against the kiss and snaked a hand behind Canada's neck. He flinched and raised his shoulders to cover the sensible skin, throwing his head back.

"Stooop," he whined with an uncontrolled smile. Prussia held his hands up in defeat.

"Okay, I'm done now, promise," laughed the confident albino. He laced his hand with Canada's and pressed a kiss against his forehead.

They reached the restaurant, bodies still pressed against each other. A wave of heat gushed out the door as the pushed it open. They were welcomed with joyful shouts and muscular embraces. The ambiance was instantly pleasing and the festivities slowly began.

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