Rainy day, bad day

883 43 18

Hey I'm actually writing something!


Chris' P.O.V:

"Yo Chris get your ass over here quickly, TJ is losing it!" 

"Kuza what the hell? It's like 9!" I groaned at my friend.

"I know but everyone got here earlier because it's an emergency so hurry!" he answered, getting annoyed on the other side of the phone. 

"Ok, ok! Give me 15 minutes!" 

I sighed, leaving my warm bed to make my way to the bathroom. I quickly washed my face, brushed my hair and teeth, did my makeup and put some clothes that were decently clean even if I found them on the floor. I grabbed my bag and a muffin and left my apartment. It wasn't that cold outside, just very gray and I knew it would rain soon. I put on my hood and began walking to the studio I rented with my friends. We would practice there every Wednesday as a band...Motionless In White. We're not that famous but we still perform in some bars sometimes so we're not totally unknown. 

I felt something wet hit my hand and saw some even darker clouds in the sky. I had to hurry up or else I'd be drenched. I crossed the street and heard something, a song... I looked down and saw a boy who was sitting in the dirty street with a beanie and his head hung low. He was playing guitar with a sign in front of him that read 'I already work two jobs, I just need a bit more money to be able to eat..' . He was good and looked really miserable so I reached into my pocket and gave him all I had which was about 5$. He mumbled a small thank you and kept playing. 

I wasn't so far from the studio now. I couldn't help but feel sad for the boy, he was alone on the street when it was cold and raining. I decided not to think about it too much and focus on what the guys wanted to talk about as I opened the door. 

"Fuck Chris what took you so long??" said Kuza, walking up to me.

"I hum got lost..?" No one believed me, not even myself but everyone just brushed it off because it wasn't important. 

"Ok, so let me sum this up for you...TJ wants to quit the band because he thinks we will never be able to make money out of this." said our keyboardist Balz, obviously pissed. 

"What? It's true! I can leave whenever I want! You guys can find a new guitarist in no time, I'm sure, but I can't keep going. I want to make money for real and live life without worrying about having no cash 'cuz my only job is playing guitar in some garage band!" he spat out angrily. 

I blinked a few times and took a deep breath before speaking. 

"I think he can leave if he wants to, we can't hold him back. I'm okay with this. Besides, we can find someone else that will actually like being here." I said, calmly. 

"Ohh thank you Chris! You're the only one with common sense here!" TJ said, feeling relieved.

"What? You can't just let him go!" Kuza yelled in surprise.

TJ was gathering his stuff, Balz was shocked, Angelo was quiet, Kuza was mad and Ghost was too busy staring at Balz to keep up with the conversation. I, on the other hand, was rather nervous...trust me, you don't want to piss off Kuza!

"C'mon guys, we can't push him to do something he doesn't wanna do!Please, baby, understand!" I said trying to calm them all down, especially Kuza. 

"Oh for once don't call me baby, ok? We will never find anyone like him and you know it! This band will never leave this shitty studio and we'll never be remotely famous!" Kuza said, getting dangerously close to me. 

"Look, I'm sorry I'm making everyone mad but it's my decision and you can't do anything about it! I'll talk to you guys later, goodbye!" on that, TJ got out of the room with all his things.

Baby It's Cold Outside [Cricky/multiship AU] // COMPLETED //Where stories live. Discover now