Good morning/Trying to use fancy words/Filler

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I'm gonna try to write this chapter with a third person POV and make it all fancy. This is sort of a filler but not really...ok no, it is. The plot is actually gonna pick up soon, I just want to take my time and not mess this story up like the other ones. I thought I'd experiment with a more "classy way of writing" with this chapter so hope you enjoy reading it!

Feel free to press play.

Song: Qwerty By Mushroomhead. 


Third Person P.O.V

Ricky was definitively a morning person but today seemed to be an exception. 

 The sun was rising up in the sky, slowly but surely. Today was going to be sunny and warm, all the opposite of what yesterday had to offer. The light was peeking slightly through the blinds, its golden rays contrasting with the darkness of the room. 

Ricky was sleeping soundly, hugged close to Chris' chest. The taller male must have moved throughout the night and ended up holding his new friend in his arms. Or maybe it was just intentional but no-one would ever know for sure except for Chris himself. 

Outside, the city was starting to wake up, cabs picking up their first passengers and coffee shops serving their first coffees of the day. Everything was creating a rather quiet commotion. The streets were filling up with people who all had something, their own story, to tell. Although the world we could see from Chris' window had so much to say, we will center our attention on what was about to happen in this quiet bedroom. Ricky was starting to stir up in his sleep, wiggling ever so slightly against his host's chest. He was having a bad dream. It was one of those dreams that scare you so much when you sleep that your brain forces itself to make you forget it ever existed. He would most likely have no reminiscence of what tormented his sleep when he would open his eyes (which was soon to be). The light was getting brighter because the sun was hanging higher up in the sky. The sun rays were trying to light up the whole room our protagonists were sleeping in but got blocked by the blinds. Still, it was getting brighter in there. Chris was slowly waking up, light was hitting his face and made him squint his eyes shut, trying to get more sleep. He eventually came to the conclusion that it was no use trying, the sun wouldn't disappear and he was definitely awake. He looked down and saw just what he was doing and with who. Ricky was calm now, the dream was over. He looked at his peaceful face and smiled. He got up carefully, trying his best not to wake up the insomniac who was finally asleep. He decided to get ready for the day and make a copious breakfast to make sure his newfound partner would feel welcomed. He was humming a song that was stuck in his head while scrambling some eggs. After a couple minutes of cooking, he was done. He took a few steps back to look at the plates he had made, proud of his work. 

"Ha, I could Instagram this" he thought.

He took the plates and put them on a tray to go back into his bed where he'd surely find his sleeping beauty. Did he just think that? Yes, he did. 

"Good morning!" 

Baby It's Cold Outside [Cricky/multiship AU] // COMPLETED //Where stories live. Discover now