Late night thoughts

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Press play if you want. It's a new thing I'm gonna try to do every time I upload a new chapter (which means basically everyday) , I'm just gonna put a link to a song I like or listen to while writing so you guys can know what music I'm into. This song is one of my favorites by Get Scared.

Song: Addict By Get Scared. 

/Excuse the boring title/  


Ricky's P.O.V

12:00 AM

I can't sleep. At all. I'm tossing and turning on the couch but I can't seem to be able to get some rest. Don't get me wrong, the clothes I borrowed from Chris are super confortable, the couch is one of the softest things I've ever laid my body on and the temperature is just right (compared to my freezing rat hole)...everything is perfect. And that's the thing. I'm not used to confort and it makes me stay awake, I think? Maybe it's because I know Chris is sleeping in the room next to this one and he's making me awkward as hell (I don't know why) and everytime I hear the wooden floor squeak I think he's coming here and it makes me super nervous? Yeah, maybe. Endless possibilities and yet all of them seem to make too much sense and that's part of the problem. If I don't know what's keeping me awake then I can't do anything about it so it keeps me awake. I think I think too much. Probably.

1:07 AM

Now I'm pissed. You know when you're sad you have like "the stages of sadness"? Well I have the stages of insomnia. At first, I feel like it'll pass. Then I don't care if I sleep or not because I think I'm superior to sleep and I don't need it to function. When it gets really late, I think of why I can't sleep. And when it gets even later, I'm pissed off because I can't sleep. Then everything is hilarious so I laugh alone in my bed for no reason. In the end, when it's too late or too early in the morning (depends on how you see it) I have a metal breakdown and I cry because I think I'm a loser who can't do anything right, not even sleeping. That's when I usually pass out. So I guess I have two more stages to go...

1:36 AM 

Chris is wiggling in his bed a lot. I can hear him. I sound like a creep. Oh well. I need to do something that'll tire me up. I could text Ryan but he's probably sleeping. I could read but my books are in my appartement. I could explore the place but I know I will freak out if Chris wakes up and finds me lurking in his kitchen. He'll think I'm stealing all his shit. Ha, that's funny. Great, now I'm laughing like a maniac in my pillow, trying not to wake Chris up. Shut up Rick, it's not funny! 

2:05 AM

Fuck, the the last stage. I'm gonna cry. Why can't I do anything right? Why do I have to go through all of these stages every time I have insomnia? A slave of my own system, how pathetic! Chris made a mistake by sheltering a useless pile of human garbage like me! Shit Ricky, snap out of it!! 

2:16 AM

Chris is awake, I repeat, Chris is awake! He went to the bathroom and still hasn't gotten out. I was silently sobbing in my pillow and then he slowly came out of his room and walked in a slumber-y state without noticing me. Now I'm pathetically pretending to be asleep but no-one would buy it. Shit! He just got out and he's walking this way!! I really carefully peaked at him and saw that he's just standing there...starring at me. Pretend to sleep Ricky. 

"Are you ok Ricky?" 

Shit. He saw right through me. Well it would have been hard not to. His voice is so low when he's sleepy and it's really attractive. 

"Oh yeah, I just can't seem to be able to sleep is all." I said, laughing nervously. 

"I'm sorry to hear that"

"It's fine, really. I just need to get used to the place" I assured him without actually being 100% sure of what I said (yeah no, I still hadn't figure out why I couldn't sleep).

"Come sleep with me then?" he asked.


"Don't worry, I'm not gonna rape you or roll you over in my sleep. Come on." he helped me get up. I was dizzy from the lack of sleep. 

"Almost there buddy. It really does suck to have insomnia, I know." He said leading me to his room.

"yeah...thank you a lot though" I said climbing on the considerably large bed. 

"It's nothing, good night. " he said, pecking the top of my head. 


The bed was even softer than the couch and it smelled so smelled of Chris. I don't remember much after that. I was sleeping. 


Longest chapter so far (869 words ;) ) ! I like this story, it's getting interesting. By the way, I have those stages of insomnia almost every night...yay.

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