Rain guy

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Am I actually continuing this story today too??  How odd!


Ricky's P.O.V

I knew today would be shitty. I woke up and just had that feeling...well it is a pretty common feeling for me I must say. I went through my morning routine pretty quickly to get this day over with. I just drank a cup of coffee, grabbed my coat and beanie along with the supplies I need for when I play outside (which consists of my guitar, a cup to put the money in and a sign). I left my crappy appartement complex and hurried my way out of my shady neighborhood to find a more crowded street. I looked up at the gray-ish sky and saw many dark clouds. It definitively was going to rain and make this day absolute shit. I sat somewhere in the street where rain couldn't touch me and got ready to play.

I played for about ten minutes when it started to rain. At the same time I saw a pair of black shoes stop in front of me. The owner of the shoes gave me about 5$ which was a lot compared to what I normally get. He was 'Rain Guy'. Let me explain. I have this weird habit that consists of giving the few people who give me money  nicknames, for exemple if a lady gave me something and was wearing blue shoes I'd call her 'Blue Lady'  or if a guy gave me money when I heard a dog bark he'd be 'Dog Guy'. These exemples are pretty random but I do remember giving people those nicknames. Anyways, I didn't get to see 'Rain Guy's' face because my head was hung low but I'm pretty sure he's beautiful...I don't know, it's just a feeling.

Chris' P.O.V

"Shit Chris! He's gone now!!" screamed Kuza.

"I noticed, thank you! Now calm the fuck down!" I said, grabbing his face. He looked surprised and tried to get away from my grasp but I forced him to look at me straight in the eyes.

"Look at me and don't try to run away! Don't make such case off of this situation, ok? We'll find someone who likes to play and would enjoy being part of the band! It's not that big of a deal, ok baby?" I said softly, trying to calm my friend. 

"F-fine...I guess you're right..." He said looking away, a crimson blush on his cheeks. 

"Aww now you're back to normal!" I said hugging him close to me.

"How did you calm him down? It's so hard to make him happy again when he's that mad and you just... I don't know what the hell it is that you did but it worked!" Balz said, looking really impressed. 

"I know him, that's all...also he's scary when he's mad so I try to make him calm down before he claws my eyes off!" I said, squeezing the abnormally skinny boy to my chest. 

"You guys are cute together" very quietly said Angelo. Kuza flipped him off with his head buried in my shoulder to which everyone laughed to. 

"Ok who wants to go eat? Then we can come back and play video games." I'm always down for some food.


Baby It's Cold Outside [Cricky/multiship AU] // COMPLETED //Where stories live. Discover now