Moving On //Thanks for 2 250 reads//

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I really should get back to work but I didn't upload on Sunday so fuck it...enjoy~

Kuza's P.O.V

I have to stop it now. I have to get over my feelings or talk to Chris. I need help and I know it. 

I'm obsessed with him. I need him, I crave his touch and want to feel his lips on least once. Everyone knows we're pretty close to eachother but I know he doesn't love me. He loves Ricky. That little bitch. Their are so many things I want to do to him. Nothing sexual though (oh god no!) but I want to make him pay for what he's done to me. He ruined my chances with Chris and I'll never forgive him. But I can't. It'll only make things worse. 

I do the same things everyday, except my motivation is dropping a little bit everyday now being as low as my self-esteem. I go to work, come back home, eat a cheap and sad meal, watch crappy TV shows about love and cry myself to sleep. I act like a broken-hearted teenage girl and I know it's pathetic but there's nothing I can do about it...I think. 

"Hey Mike, wanna go out for lunch after our shift?" asked Matt, my coworker. 

"Yeah, sure. How many basic bitches do you think we'll serve today?" I asked, trying to make a conversation.

"Probably a lot, this is Starbucks after-all!!" he said chuckling.  He's such a sweet-heart. 


"You know, we should see eachother out of work more" Matt said, taking a bite of his sandwich.

"Yeah, we should. You could teach me how to play drums" I said, smiling for the first time in forever. 

"I'd love to" he said, smiling that cute smile of his. 

Maybe Chris wasn't meant for me after-all. 


My apologies for never writing in time. School is tough on us right now but next week I'll have more time to write a longer chapter (and update my Ryangelo fic) and it's going to be my birthday too so yay! Goodnight guys!  

Baby It's Cold Outside [Cricky/multiship AU] // COMPLETED //Where stories live. Discover now