Hello, goodnight.

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I promise this story will get interesting, the first chapters are boring, I know. Bare with me please? 


Chris' P.O.V

"Ok so first off my name is Chris, I'm 22 years old. I have very few friends with who I have a band called Motionless In White. I do the vocals. I'm goth as you can probably tell and that's about it...I can't really think of anything else to say for the moment. Your turn!"

"hum there's not much to tell honestly" he said, licking his lower lip.

"Well I'm Ricky, 20 years old. I play guitar and I can sing...kinda. I'm goth too and that's about it...I guess we'll get to know eachother better throughout the days" he finished his sentence with a nervous laugh.

" Yeah I guess so. Sorry this was kind of awkward and just..boring" I said, scratching the back of my neck. 

"Nah, it's ok. Can you show me the room you were talking about earlier?" 

"Oh right, I'm sorry I forgot! It's over here!" I said pointing at a door not too far from where we were standing. 

"Thanks...I like your appartement by the way..or at least what I saw of it" he said while dropping his stuff on the floor in the small room.

"Thanks. Hey wanna watch TV or something..?" 

"Huh sure.." he's a little awkward. It's cute though. 

He sat on the couch as I turned on the TV. We agreed on watching Orphan Black as it was the only show we both liked. We were respectively sitting on the far ends of the sofa like complete strangers. Well it's kind of what we are anyways so it didn't really matter.I kept glancing at him from times to times though, I don't know why...it's like I was scared he'd disappear. I noticed he'd occasionally look at me for a split second then quickly turn his full attention back to the TV. I think we both knew what was happening but just didn't want to do anything about it. It's like we both silently agreed that it was ok to pretend like nothing was going on. We repeated this little game until the commercials came on. Then, he hesitantly shifted his body around to face me. I could tell that he was going to tell me something important. 

" Hey hum there's something I didn't tell you when we did that awkward introduction thing...I think it's important. At least it is to me." he said, stuttering a bit.

" Of course, tell me everything Ricky. " 

"A-actually...well it's...hum...I'm..hum" he didn't know how to tell me whatever it was that he wanted to confess.

"Hey it's ok, I won't judge you. Honest." 

"Yeah, sorry. Well..*he took a deep breath* I'm gay." he finally admitted, his face crimson red.

"Oh!" I said genuinely taken aback.

"You probably hate me now...I guess I can just pick up my shit and go?" he asked with a bored expression on his face. It's almost like being kicked out of somewhere because of who he was wasn't a foreign thing to him.

"No no! I'm sorry I made it sound weird but I'm just really surprised! To be honest, I'm gay too so don't stress it out." 

"Really? I would have never guessed! I was sure you'd hate me!"

"Nah, I could never hate you, you're too cute!" I said without thinking.

"R-re-really??" he asked, his face getting even redder. 

"Well yeah..." I said, scratching the back of my neck again (as I usually do when I'm embarrassed).

"thanks.." he yawned cutely then rubbed his eyes. 

"Tired?" I asked chuckling.

"Yeah, can we go to bed?" 

"Aw no problem, I'll get you set up, you can go get clothes in my room."

"Ok, thanks Chris" he said, walking away.  

Baby It's Cold Outside [Cricky/multiship AU] // COMPLETED //Where stories live. Discover now