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I promise I'll go back to updating every Sunday. 


Tj's P.O.V: 

"I see you already replaced me, huh?" I said, smirking.

"Yeah, he's really good, too!" Balz smirked, playing with his food. Angelo sat down next to Ryan, his boyfriend to which he introduced us to just tonight, wearing a huge smile on his face. I ignored it, thinking it was probably because he was so in love and stuff. Ugh, love. 

" So...where's Kuza? Did he leave too?" 

"No, I don't know what's up with him...he looks...sad?" Chris quietly said, looking down. He hugged Ricky close to his chest (to make him feel better, I suppose). 

" Actually.." started Ange with a mischievous smile. "I don't think he is anymore".

"Anymore? What do you mean?" asked Ghost.

"Well, I think he was upset because he was still single but I think he found someone. Matt. You know, the guy who works with him at Starbucks?" he explained, leaning against the table. 

"He is?" we all asked at the same time.


Chris' P.O.V: 

"You know, I'm relieved now" I said, lying in the bed next to Ricky. 


"I was starting to think that Kuza looked sad and I didn't know why but if he's doing better now..."

"Yeah, I guess so" he said, putting his head on my shoulder. 

I kissed his cheek, smiling. 

"Man, I really need to find a job..." Ricky sighed.

"Maybe I could get you in at the record shop and the station? I'm sure work would be more bearable if we were together" 

"Chris! You know we'd get kicked out after three days if we worked together!" he said, giggling. 

"We can't get kicked out because of PDA, can we?" I asked.

"Chriiis!" he laughed. 

"You're so cute..." I said softly, staring at him.

"Are you ok Chris?" 

"I love you, Ricky"



Just trying to make this story more focused on Cricky than Kuza hahaha...

Baby It's Cold Outside [Cricky/multiship AU] // COMPLETED //Where stories live. Discover now