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I didn't update in a while, sorry. I'm writing on my tablet and I hate it. Enjoy anyways.


Third person P.O.V

A few kisses later, Chris gently pushed back Ricky, a puzzeled look now appearing on his face.

"What's wrong? You didn't like it? We can stop i-if you want.." the smaller boy said, a hint of dissapointement tainting his voice.

"No, I like it it's just...what does that make us? Are we friends or more?"

"I..Can we talk about it in the morning? I don't want to talk about serious stuff right now. Can we enjoy what's left of Christmas..?" Ricky asked, his big eyes beging for Chris to drop the topic.

"Sure, I'm sorry, we'll talk about it tomorrow. Hum wanna watch a movie or something...? I have the grinch!" He suggested.

"Yeah, great!" The raccoon boy said with joy and excitement.

Chris scooted closer to Ricky and wrapped his "roommate's" shoulders with one of his long arms. The said "roommate", surprised by the taller boy's action, rested his little head on his chest. They stayed in this peacful state until the movie was over. Then, they both slowly rose to their feet, stretched a bit and got ready to go to sleep.

Chris was alone in his bed, waiting in silence for Ricky to join him. For the couple instants of loneliness he had before his friend (well if he could call him that) joined him, he thought of what he felt towards him. He was confused between love or just a very strong feeling of friendship. Just before he could think any more, he felt Ricky slowly crawl under the sheets.

"Hey buddy." Chris said, shifting his body to face Ricky.

"Hi. Thank you so much for doing this. I never thought I'd celebrate Christmas this year or any other year for the rest of my life, for that matter. I'm happy you found me. Out of all the people in the world, a kind hearted boy like you saved me. You did something I could only dream about and I want to thank you so, so much for that." He sincerely confessed his "friend" (or whatever Chris was to him).

"No problem, really, I'm glad I helped. I had so much fun tonight. I'm happy I spent Christmas with you." He said, smiling softly.

Ricky giggled, kissed Chris goodnight and they both fell asleep.


Kuza's P.O.V

8 Am : I wake up at my aunt's place, eat a small breakfast and leave a fast as possible. Check.

9 Am: I'm back home and get ready (shower, makeup...). Check.

10 Am (right now) : I go to Chris' place because I miss him and he's probably lonely.

I'm standing outside of his appatement complex. He doesn't answer the door even if I rang a thousand times.

"Good thing I have the keys..." I softly whisper.

I unlock the front door and walk up the stairs. I quickly open his door and step inside the place I missed so much. I notice that the living room is beautifully decorated but I don't really care about that right now. All I want is to see Chris. I make my way to his room, open the door and


Baby It's Cold Outside [Cricky/multiship AU] // COMPLETED //Where stories live. Discover now