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I am moving in 4 DAYS! YAY! Also, sorry I'm late...again.

With that being said, enjoy one of the last chapters of this fic. 


Ricky's P.O.V

*A few years later*

I've been pacing across the dressing room for a solid ten minutes now. No one knows that I'm all set and ready to go, but I want to stay in there forever. My palms are sweaty, my throat is aching and my fingers are shaking. I sip nervously on my Rockstar, spilling some of its content on my shirt.

"Geez Rick, get a grip for fuck's sake" I cursed under my breath.

I heard a knock on the door as I was cleaning myself up and just froze. No. I'm not ready, let me be!

"Hi baby, are you ready?" said Chris, walking in while I was having a tiny panic attack.

"Y-yes" I answered, pretending not to be stressed the fuck out.

"Calm down, it'll all be ok. You've done this before and you know you're amazing," he told me, patting my back.

"I-I know and that's why I'm not stressed out!"

"Sure sweet pie!" he rolled his eyes.

He managed to get me out of my little room and we got with the rest of the band (Ghost, Ryan, Vinny and Angelo). Chris could then give his little speech like he always does.

"I'm really proud of us and everything that we've done so far. This band has been everything for me and even if we lost members, motivation and many hours of sleep it was all worth it in the end." we smiled while replaying the best moments we've lived with this band in our heads. 

"The tour is almost over and we're extremely close to going home so let's kill it one more time!" he said as we all cheered. 

We got on stage, fans screaming at the top of their lungs and waving flags with 'MIW' written on them. I smiled, gaining back the confidence I wasn't sure I had just minutes ago. We played a few songs and half-way through the set, Chris interrupted the show. 

That wasn't planned, is all we could think of.


Ehhhhhhhh this chapter sucked ass :/ 

Baby It's Cold Outside [Cricky/multiship AU] // COMPLETED //Where stories live. Discover now