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I'm on a writing spree, fuck yeah! I'm planning on writing a Chrike (Chris X Kuza) story soon.


Kuza's P.O.V

"So Kuza baby what are you taking?" asked Chris, who was sitting next to me.

"I don't know...I'm not that hungry.." I said, looking back for the millionth time at all the items on the menu unsure of what to take. 

"Aw come on! You must be starving! It's almost 12!!" said Ghost who was sitting next to Balz as per usual. 

"What are you taking Chrissy baby?" I asked the beautiful boy who was sitting next to me. 

"I'm gonna go with the waffles topped with the ice cream" 

"I never saw someone who likes food as much as you Chris! You're so excited you look like a child!"  said Balz laughing a bit.

- * -

I ended up not eating much, just a pancake with a lot of fruits. We were back at the studio now and I was sitting in Chris' lap, playing video games. Angelo was beating us all and Ghost was pissed about that. Balz was just watching us play because we didn't have enough remotes for the five of us. 

Chris' P.O.V

Kuza is adorable, all cuddled up in my lap. He really is. Everybody seems to think we're dating but for real, we're not. We just act like that because it's the way we are together. It's hard to explain but to clear things up, I don't have feelings for him and neither does he...I think. 

I looked outside and to my surprise it was still raining. I thought about the boy I saw this morning and suddenly felt sad. Maybe he's still out there...

"Hey hum it's getting late, I should go. I'll see you guys later." I announced, getting up. 

Everyone said bye and Kuza hugged me. I went outside and realized just how cold and dark it was. The weather was awful. I walked and hoped I wouldn't see the poor boy in the street again. 

After a few minutes, I hear it. The guitar. 

He was still playing even if it was dark, raining and cold. I stood in front of him and he just stopped playing. He mumbled something that I didn't understand...something about a Rain Guy but I'm not sure.

"Hey hum I saw you this morning and  you're still here you want to come with me to my place or something..?" I asked hesitantly. 

"oh hum I'm fine, I have my own appartement" the poor thing said while shivering. 

"Still, I want to know you're safe so come with me, ok?" I said, trying to get him to look at me.


Then I saw his face. My heart stopped for a second, I swear. He had icy blue eyes, small pink lips with two piercings on the lower one, black hair and rosy cheeks from the cold. He was the most beautiful guy I had seen in my 22 years of life. 

"H-here, let me help you get up" I extended my hand and he grabbed it with his frozen fingers.

" you live far from here?" he questioned while gathering his stuff.

"It's pretty close, just five minutes away" 

On that we began making our way back home. 

Baby It's Cold Outside [Cricky/multiship AU] // COMPLETED //Where stories live. Discover now