Break The Cycle

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I need a new cover :/  Also I'm sorry if any of the links I put don't work but I can't really do anything about it. I need to come up with new ideas for futur stories too. Does anyone read this part anyways? 

Press play if you wish. Song: Tourniquet By Marilyn Manson. 

(I hated this song before but now I love it so much...ok enjoy this chapter!)


Ricky's P.O.V

I remember waking up because of some noise I heard coming from outside, in the streets. I didn't open my eyes just yet : I wanted to enjoy sleeping on this cloud-like mattress a little longer. I felt around the bed a bit, feeling disappointed when I realized I was alone. Chris must have woken up early and left for work. What is his job actually? I didn't bother thinking about it for too long, I was falling back into a deep sleep. The second time I woke up was much nicer. 

"Good morning!" Chris was holding a tray with two plates filled with what seemed like a heavenly meal.

"Good morning..." I mumbled, rubbing my eyes. He made his way to the bed and gave me my plate. Then, he walked all the way up to the other side of the bed and sat down with his food. 

"You didn't have to make such a big breakfast, you know?" I said, seriously impressed by the amount of food that was on the plate. 

"Don't worry about it, it's not much. I want to make sure you feel at ease here. Did you sleep well?" he said, chewing on a strawberry.

"Well in your bed yes but not on the couch" I answered, laughing a bit. 

"You can sleep here all the time if you want, it doesn't bother me. I can let you have my bed all to yourself too, if you prefer" 

"Oh no, I think I slept well because you were with me, not because of the bed" I said with a confidence I didn't know I had.

"Really? Aww, that's sweet" he said blushing a bit.


"So, I thought today we could talk more in depth about what we're gonna do, like if you stay here forever or just for some time etc. Then, we could get your stuff from your appartement and eat out. Sounds good?" he asked while washing the dishes we had used.

"yeah, perfect. About that..." I said, getting serious.

"Yes? Oh, do you want to go back home already?" he said with a hint of sadness in his voice.

"Oh no. It doesn't even feel like home there. I was wondering if maybe I could you know..." I was getting awkward now. C'mon Ricky, just ask him! I cleared my throat continued my sentence.

"I was wondering if I could live here from today on. Permanently, I mean." 

"Really? Didn't you say you thought it was going too fast or something?"

"Well I have to admit, I do think it's all going way too fast but I gave up on so many opportunities because everything was going "too fast" for me. I need to break the cycle somehow, y'know? This seems like a good way to start doing something about it. Plus I wanted to leave that "appartement" behind eversince I walked in there for the first time." I said honestly.

"Well it's settled then, you're my new roommate!" he said with excitement.

"Let's go pick up my stuff after you're done washing the dishes!" 

"Oh you bet!" 

I, Ricky Olson, was going to start living a brand new life.


Well this chapter was crap. I feel like I made so many grammatical mistakes but since English is not my first language and I'm only 14, do excuse me please. 

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