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This chapter requires your imagination. New York is not the same in this book than it is in real life. With that being said enjoy!


Chris' P.O.V

The boy and I made it back to my appartement without saying a single word. It wasn't awkward though, I think we both had to think this trough for a couple instants. 

"So this is where I live"  I told him while unlocking the door. 

"You're lucky I cleaned the place last night 'cuz it's usually pretty messy in here" I chuckled.

"ha well I'm pretty sure that even if it had been messy, my place would've been even worse!" he stated while putting his stuff down.

"Hum I have a room where I store things that you could put your stuff in. You can sleep on the couch or I can leave you my bed. "

"I'm gonna take the couch, I don't want to bother you as much as I already am..."

"Oh trust me you're not bothering me at all. Actually, I feel quite lonely in here all by myself so your company is more than welcomed. Do you wanna stay here for more than one night or you prefer to leave in the morning and we never talk again...?" He took a deep breath before answering.

Ricky's P.O.V

"Let me explain you my situation a little bit. So I recently graduated from an art school near Brooklyn and I realized I was broke. I used to work three jobs but I got fired from one of them and the only option I found to be able to have enough money to life a decent enough life was to play music in the streets...where you found me. I live in a really creepy and poor neighborhood where I don't feel safe but it's the only place I can afford to live in. So yeah, if I could stay here for more than a night I would be beyond happy" I spoke really fast but I think he got it.

"Oh I see. Well it would make me more than happy to have you as a guest for as long as you wish!" he said smiling.

"But you just met me. How can you decide of something that big in such short period of time...and not even knowing me!" 

"I don't know I just think you look like a good person that I'd like to help! Plus, if it makes me less lonely then we're both gaining something from this." he smiled once more.

"I guess so..."

"Yay! Now let's get to know each other better, m'kay?" 

"You're a really happy person in life are you?" I said laughing a bit. 

"I guess you could say that." 

Just how lucky am I? 


I hate this chapter. This is trash :)

Baby It's Cold Outside [Cricky/multiship AU] // COMPLETED //Where stories live. Discover now