Ryan Is Sneaky

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Hi. My computer broke so I couldn't write yesterday. I'm writing on my tablet and will make a bonus chapter on my computer if I get it fixed this week...or anytime at all.


Ricky's P.O.V

I laid on my back, panting and sweaty as hell. I stared blankly at the ceiling, trying to get down from my little cloud. I just had sex with a beautiful man and I couldn't believe it.

"Ricky...what have we done?" Said Chris in a small, shy voice.

"What do you mean? You didn't like it?"

"No, I liked it a lot. It's just...didn't we go too fast? Didn't we just say the other day that we had to take it slow and just be opened for more?"

"You know I wanted to stop taking everything slowly. Also, I believe we were opened for more tonight if you see what I mean..." I said, winking.

"Yeah, ok, he laughed, we should sleep though, we need to get your stuff tomorrow"

" Really? Cool! Good night Chris!" I said with excitement.

"Good night, raccoon."

He kissed me good night and we both fell asleep.


Ryan's P.O.V

"Ry, are you sure this is a good idea?"

"I would never do anything that would get you in trouble, baby" I said, reassuring my lover.

"I know but still...breaking in someone's appartement isn't the best thing to do if you don't want me and you being in trouble!"

"I know the guy and I have the keys so that's not really like I was breaking in!"

"Ryan, that is still breaking in!" He said, panicked.

I kissed his soft lips to calm him down and opened the door. I knew Ricky wouldn't be home.

"Make yourself comfortable Angelo!"

Oh what a twist that is! Sorry for any mistakes and if it's short as fuck but once more, I'm on my tablet.

Baby It's Cold Outside [Cricky/multiship AU] // COMPLETED //Where stories live. Discover now