The Aftermath *smut*

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Hey you lovely readers! 

Two little things before I start:

1) Thank you so much for all the attention you guys give to my fic. My story got 100 reads and 30 votes in six days, making it reach 600 reads and that's unbelievable! It means a lot to me...thanks! :)

2) I want to give a shout out to my best friend who reads my stories before everyone else (she doesn't have an account though). It's been 11 years since we've been best friends today so enjoy this my pretty Lili Crusty! ;)

I couldn't wait to write a smutty chapter! I told myself to take my time with this story and I think I made you wait long enough so without further a due...enjoy! 


Chris' P.O.V

Right after Balz announced we had a new person in the crew, I jumped to my feet and ran up to my little raccoon, hugging him tightly. I was smiling so much my cheeks hurt. 

"I knew you could do it Ricky! I'm so happy!" I squealed. 

"Thanks Chris, thanks guys!" said Ricky, blushing.

"I guess we'll see you guys next week at practice, you need to celebrate this at home if you know what I mean" said Ghost, winking.

"Ghosty! I never knew you were so pervy!" teased Balz. 

"I'm all sorts of things baby" replied Ghost.

"Shit love is in the air! Chris you go home with your baby so Kuza and I don't have to deal with two horny couples" joked Angelo (to which Kuza rolled his eyes).

"Oh trust me, I'll be there in no time" I said, squeezing Ricky's shoulder a bit. 

"Bye guys" I slammed the door and walked down the stairs, hands in hands with Ricky. 

Ricky's P.O.V

The crisp air of the cold night hit my heated cheeks, making me fully realize what had just happened. I smiled and squeezed Chris' hand lightly, hopping happily down the street. 

"Aww raccoon..." said Chris, kissing the top of my head. 

The rest of the walk was rather event-less but I knew things would change once we'd reach the inside of the appartement. 

As soon as we unlocked the door, I felt a sudden hint of electricity in the air and I think Chris did too. We stood there, speechless, not knowing what to do. Chris locked eyes with me and suddenly, we both knew what had to be done. He pressed his body on mine, kissing me hard. I grabbed his face, my body getting hotter by the second. His hand slid down my back and up to my butt. I moaned a bit and he picked me up, my legs dangling loosely around his waist. Soon enough I was pinned down on the bed and Chris was sucking on my neck. 

"Ahh, Chris!" I softly pushed his head on my neck. 

"I wanted to do this for so long" said Chris, pulling away from my neck. He took off his clothes and mine followed not long after. 

He got a condom and lube from his drawer (I didn't notice these when I investigated his stuff, by the way) that he slowly put onto his enormous length.  

"Is this gonna fit?" I said, staring at him as he finished lubing himself up.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you, I promise" he reassured me while he spread my legs. 

"If you say so..." 

He didn't prepare me at all but he was right, he went slowly and carefully so it didn't hurt. 

"Tell me when you're ready, raccoon" he said now that his entire shaft was inside of me. 

"You can move n-now" I moaned, wanting him more than ever. 

As soon as I finished my sentence, he trusted himself inside of me, quickly reaching a pace I didn't know was humanly possible. He touched my dick, flicking his wrist as fast as he could so it would match his trusts. I was moaning like I had never before and had to hold myself back from cumming. 

"Chris! I'm so close already!" I screamed. 

"You can cum any time you want, baby. As long as you scream for me!" he groaned, grabbing a fist-full of my hair. 

"Ahh Chriiiis!" I screamed, liking the pain I didn't know I enjoyed . 

"Oh yeah baby! You're so tight" he said, pounding me even harder. 

I screamed in bliss as he reached my spot. I couldn't take it anymore, I yelled is name, arched my back and came onto his wrist. 

"Shit Ricky!" he said, cumming as well. 

Seconds later, he rolled next to me and we both laid there, sweaty and panting. 


Oh boy, I didn't write smut in so long, I doubt this chapter is very good. Anyways, I had to cut it short at the end cuz I want this "ambiance" to last a bit more so yeah. See you next week!

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