Harder *SMUT*

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This one is a hell of a smut. I hope you don't feel too awkward reading shit like that because it sure is to write.

 Anyways, enjoy. 


Ricky's P.O.V

"I hate to say this but I'm glad the tour is over" he whispered. 

I rolled my eyes and snickered, bending down to put my guitar in its case. As expected, Chris slapped my ass as I did so, making me yelp because I know how cute he thinks I am when I do that. 

I stood up and admired how fucking sexy he was. He smiled, bit his lip and kissed my neck. I moaned a little but was soon disappointed as he moved away from me. 

"Aw, don't look sad. I want to do so many things to you but here isn't the right place to do so silly" he said, getting a hold of my hand. 

I nodded shyly, being ashamed of how much of a pervert I was. 

He led me into the bus and told Balz to get all the stuff we had left onstage. The bald man quickly left the bus, surely not wanting to deal with us being horny and shit. 

I looked at my ring, smiling. Chris kissed my head and looked at me in the eyes.

"Like it?"

 "I love it! I'm so happy we're getting married!" I squealed. 

He kissed me again and I knew where this was going. I slipped my tongue into his mouth, surprising him as he usually was the one to take control of these things. He kissed back though, pulling me closer with his hands resting on my hips. He carried me to the room and once he had closed the door, he threw me on the bed. I giggled, kicking off my shoes while he took off his shirt. I bit my lip in anticipation as he crawled up to me on the bed. At this point, the bus had started to move and I knew we'd be home in a couple hours. 

"Now baby, do you want to take it easy or have it rough?" he asked in a low, husky voice. 

"You know I like it rough" I whispered seductively in his ear. 

"Good boy" he growled, biting my neck. 

I was being so fucking sensitive for nothing, shaking like a virgin...no offense though. He tugged on my shirt and I took it off, exposing my small torso marked with his bites. He proudly looked at every single bruise that decorated my body as he was the one that had put them there. I shivered under his gaze and soon enough, he had his hands all over me. He pinched my nipple and sucked on the other one, almost sending me over the edge. 

"Why are you so sensitive today honey? The wedding's making you horny?" he asked, his eyes filled with lust. 

"I-I don't know ahh!" 

He unzipped my pants and slid them off, leaving me in my boxers that were getting way too fucking tight. He kicked off his own jeans somewhere in the room along with mine and I could see that he was excited too...if you know what I mean. He kissed my thighs up to my boxers and ripped them off me. I yelped and kissed him in a desperate attempt to hide some of the lewd noises that were escaping my lips. He asked if I needed to be stretched and I said no, as we both knew I wanted to skip that step. 

"Get ready baby, you have nine inches of pleasure heading your way" 

I nodded quickly, sweat forming on my forehead before he slammed his dick inside of me in one quick movement. I screamed his name, adjusting to his size. Before he could move his hips, I managed to push him on the mattress. 

"Mh, getting sick of playing the innocent kitten now, are we?" he laughed. 

"I decided I wanted to ride you for once," I said in a sexy voice. 

I bounced on him while maintaining eye contact. He was panting a little while I, on the other hand, was moaning so loudly my vocal cords were starting to hurt. I bounced a little more until he pinned me down on my back, pounding my ass with all his strength. 


A couple minutes later, I released my load onto my stomach while he came inside me as he didn't wear any condom. (HAVE SAFE SEX KIDS THO!!) 

I remember him pulling out and taking me into his arms before passing out. 


Holly fuck this was StEaMy. 

Baby It's Cold Outside [Cricky/multiship AU] // COMPLETED //Where stories live. Discover now