Craigslist is shady

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I know how to play "Sweet Dreams" on the bass now! 


Chris' P.O.V

"Guys, this won't work, we can't possibly practice our songs if we don't have someone doing the guitar parts!" said Balz, walking in circles across the room. 

"Technically yes, we can, but I get what you mean, it won't sound like the real deal whatsoever." added Ghost.

"Look, I know I upset you guys when I let TJ leave the band but it was for the best. Now what's left to do is post a request on Craigslist  and ask if someone would be interested in playing guitar for us." 

"What a great idea Chris! Now we'll have a shitty guitar player by our sides and if we're lucky enough he'll also be AIDS riddled! Who's in??" sarcastically shouted Kuza.

"Oh shut it Mike. I have to agree that Craigslist isn't the safest place to hire someone in but we could still try..."

"No, we're not desperate enough to go on that shady website. First off we go on social medias and ask there. If we still don't have any answer after at least two months, we go on Craigslist as our last ressort. " said Angelo.

"See? This is a rational way to see things, thank you Angelo! God!" I said, crashing on the couch. 

"I guess that's the best thing to do..." unwillingly admitted Kuza. 

*time skip*

"Shit guys, I better go." I said gathering my stuff as fast as I could. 

"Why? It's only 5!" remarked Angelo. 

"You guys can stay but I got to go, my roommate has been alone for a while now. I feel bad for him, y'know...gotta keep that little man occupied!" 

"Ohh I see, love is in the air!!" laughed Balz.

"He's his roommate and nothing else." coldly barked Kuza. 

 "Calm your tits Mike, I was just joking! Chris doesn't belong to you y'know?" said Balz

"Shut up Ba-"

"Ok I got to go, bye guys!" I cut them off, slamming the door shut behind me as I ran down the stairs. 

I rushed my way down the streets up to my cozy appartement. I quickly unlocked the door and stepped inside. 

"Ricky I'm ho-" 

I cut my sentence short as I heard music coming from the room where Ricky kept belongings. I carefully opened the door and saw him playing guitar, his back facing me. I immediately recognized the song he was playing and an idea popped up in my mind. I made him notice me (as he was wearing headphones), smiling wide.

"Oh hey, you're home. How was it?" 

"That's not the point! Ricky, would you like to play guitar for my band?" 


"Put on your coat, we need to hurry up, we may still have time!!" 

I threw his coat at him, grabbed his hand and began to run down the streets where I was walking just moments ago, dragging a confused Ricky behind me. 

Baby It's Cold Outside [Cricky/multiship AU] // COMPLETED //Where stories live. Discover now