The Talk /update after 10 billion years/

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Finally an update! 

Expect a new fanfic soon /new band and ship/.


Chris' P.O.V

After what seemed like forever, Kuza left my appartement. It's not that I don't like him, I love Kuza and everything but I had to have a serious talk with Ricky. 

"Hey about last night...can we talk?" I asked Ricky who was still sitting on the bed.

"Yeah..." he said in the most unenthusiastic tone I had heard in my life. 

"I know it's not the most exciting or even fun thing to talk about but we have to. Please?" I practically begged. 

"I know, I know. It's fine. You can begin." he muttered. 

"Ok...well I definitively feel something for you but it's too early to call it love I think. I think I like you...even if we barely know each other. I suppose some special times people fall for one another instantly." I said, getting carried away in my deep speech. 

"I believe we could see how things evolve with time and be open for more as from now on. What do you think?" 

"Well I feel the same way about you and I think it's a good idea that we don't actually decide of what we "are" or will become today. Doing so would just make the everything we feel rushed and less genuine. I agree it's kind of early to even have this talk but like you said, maybe we are special. Maybe we already begun to fall for each other." he said with a speck of something I couldn't quite describe in his eyes. 


Hey the story is moving people! Yes!!

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