Meeting Angelo

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I'm sorry I didn't upload anything yesterday. It was the last day of school and I was fucking exhausted so I thought I could use a break. Anyways, here's a brand new chapter for you!

Oh btw, happy holidays.


Chris' P.O.V

"So where do you wanna go? " I asked my new roommate.

"I don't really eat in restaurants so I don't know where to go...You pick!" 

"Ok, well there's this place a good friend of mine works at where we could's Italian, y'know, pasta pizza and stuff. Sounds good?" 

"Yeah, let's just go." he said with excitement.


"Table for two?" the boy I knew oh so well asked at the reception. He didn't see my face just yet as he was writing something on a receipt. He handed the little paper to a lady that was waiting next to the desk thing where he was standing.

"Here you go miss, sorry for the wait. Have a nice evening" he said to the pissed off looking woman, trying to make up for the mistake he surely had made. 

"Yeah sure. Why do they hire creepy teenagers here? They can't do anything right!" she ranted while stomping her way out of the restaurant. Ricky looked shocked at the woman's attitude but I was used to it by now. 

"Hey Angelo, tough night, huh?" I said, trying to get him to look a me. 

"Chris! Thank God you're here! Tonight was a disaster as you could probably tell...but hey you're here and it'll all be much better! " he said, not seeming to notice the smaller boy who was standing right next to me. 

"You talk a lot when it's just the two of us, ya know?" I said playfully. 

"Maybe...hey, who's that?" he said, finally turning his gaze to Ricky. 

"I was waiting for you to ask. This is Ricky, my new roommate." 

"H-hi" shyly waved Ricky. He was adorable.

"Hello, I'm Angelo. Wait Chris, are you cheating on Kuza?" he asked with a wink.

"Angelo stop it already! I'm not dating Kuza nor Ricky!" I said trying to look annoyed. 

"Sure whatever! Ok hum just follow me. There's a booth for two in the back of the room. " he said, taking menus and leading the way. 

"There you guys go, call me if you need anything. I'm gonna be your waiter for the evening." he giggled while going back to his spot at the entrance of the building. 

"So hum, here's one of my best friends and my drummer, Angelo. Usually he doesn't speak much but I know him since forever so I guess he trusts me more." 

"He seems like a nice guy. He's really handsome too, if I may add..." he said nervously, blushing a bit. 

"Aw, cute. He's single, by the wait" I winked at him. I didn't like to tell him that. I don't want them to be together. I want Ricky for myself. Wait, did I just think that?

"Shut up, he's not really my type." 

"Then what's your type?" 

"Well, I like goth guys with black hair that are not too long , like Angelo's , but not too short. I like it when they put dark eye makeup like and I guess that's it?" he uttered while playing nervously with his sleeves.

"Well from your description, I'd be your type?" I asked, hoping he'd say yes. 

"I think so, yeah...what's your type?" he said, looking at me straight in the eyes.

"Well I like smaller boys. I like it when they look fragile and I feel like I have to protect them...I love it. Obviously I mean goth guys, y'know, wearing all black and pitch black eyeliner around the eyes. Lip piercings are really attractive, too." I said, describing the boy who was sitting in front of me. 

"I guess I'd be your type then..." he awkwardly stated. 

"Yes. Wanna check the menu now?" I said, trying to change the subject. 


See? Things are moving!

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