Meeting Slender Man

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Hey I'm back! Just a few words before I star. So, as I was busy all the time during the break I couldn't update at all. I did think of new fanfic ideas though so expect more of me in the futur (near futur, that is). However, now that school started again (sadly) I can go back to updating every night (or so). Also, thanks for the 200 views, I'm surprised this story got  that much attention!  Oh and happy New Year! 2016 is finally a thing of the past! Ok, now I'm done, enjoy!


Ricky's P.O.V 


I saw from my half opened lids a face, rather a man, standing in the door way. I had never seen him before, of this I was certain. I could easily read an expression of both rage and jealousy on his face. The slender individual kept looking back and forth at the bed, me and Chris. I couldn't manage to speak for some reasons, I was either too sleepy or intimidated let any words escape my throat. Luckily (for me at the very least) Chris was awake and started to handle the situation.

"Good morning to you too, Kuza, long time no see!" sarcastically said Chris. 

"Ok quit talking you smart-ass and explain to me who the fuck is that guy!!" spitted the rather pissed looking men. 

"Calm down, I'm gonna explain everything, ok? I should have texted you or something, I know, I'm sorry. Anyways, it's too late now. This is Ricky, my new roommate. Your turn to explain why it is that you are making such a big deal out of this."  calmly answered Chris.

I was surprised that Chris didn't tell him he had found me on the street. He didn't tell him I was borderline homeless and I was more than pleased he hadn't. 

"I don't know, I thought he was some hooker or something, I guess?" he said in an unsure tone.

I was slightly offended about the fact that he thought I was a hooker but I brushed it off my mind rather quickly. However, Chris didn't. 

"Excuse me? Ricky doesn't look anything like a hooker and who do you think that I am? I would never hire a hooker! I thought you knew better Kuza!" 

"Why are you sleeping together then??" 

"Because he can't sleep on the couch and we didn't get his bed yet!" Chris said, annoyed.

"Slender man.." I quietly muttered.

"What did you say?" both of them asked at the same time.

"Oh nothing much. I just thought of a nickname for you." I said as if it was a matter of fact.

"Why "Slender Man"?" asked that "Kuza" guy.

"Cuz you're tall, skinny and scary." I boldly admitted. 

"Yeah, that's Kuza for you!" Chris said laughing.  Kuza didn't seem pissed anymore, just slightly embarrassed.

"W-well I guess you could say that.  What is Chris' nickname then?" 

"Rain guy"


Be patient, the plot is coming soon enough! 

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