Into The Shop (feat.Corey)

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Yo, sorry if I don't upload every Sunday. I'm moving soon (my parents are divorcing) and my house is a mess right's a lot to deal with. In a month it'll all be over...enjoy.   


Chris' P.O.V

"Wake up sleepyhead, you have to go to work with me today!" I said while shaking Ricky slightly.

"Nooo, I'm tired baby!" he groaned. 

I pushed the blankets out of the way, picked him up in my arms and stepped out of the bed. I was excited to start the day because today Ricky would know if he was going to work with me. I hope so...

"What the hell are you doing Chrissy!?" he yelped while clinging to me. I laughed and sat him down at the table. 

"Want some cereals? Coffee? Toasts?" I offered, making my own breakfast. 

"Just coffee...." he muttered. 

I laughed and started to make him a cup of coffee. I knew he'd be very hungry in a couple hours because he didn't want to eat but I didn't say anything. I gave him his coffee and went to the bathroom to get ready. I began doing my makeup while chewing on a piece of bread. 

A few minutes later, I heard a knock on the door. 

"Chris, hurry up, it's my turn to get ready", he said, now fully awake. 

"Go ahead baby!" I laughed while putting on a t-shirt. 


"Hi Chris" my boss greeted me "Mr.Olson...take a seat", he said, looking down. 

He rubbed his hands together and sat down at his desk. Ricky was shaking a little but I knew it would go well. I put my hands on his shoulders to reassure him and waited for my boss, Corey, to speak up. 

"Alright buddy, he started, I thought about it for a while and read the documents you gave me before coming to a conclusion"

Ricky tensed up and waited for him to keep going. Knowing Corey, he wanted to make my terrified baby suffer a little so he didn't say a thing for a couple of seconds. 

"I think you have everything it takes to work here. You're hired. Congratulations and welcome!" he said while shaking Ricky's small hand in his very large one. 

"T-thank you very much, sir" stuttered my beloved raccoon. 

"Please call me Corey." he said, smiling wide. 

I nodded and went into the shop with Ricky, smiling like a mad man. 

"You made it! I knew you'd be accepted!" I said, holding him close. 

He giggled and hugged me tighter. I could see Corey smiling while staring at us. 


Yes, it is Corey Taylor cuz you gotta love him and no I'm totally not writing fillers.

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