House for two

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I think we all figured out it's useless for me to put links to songs cuz it doesn't work ;-;


Third person P.O.V

Chris and Ricky were both really excited to step outside and begin executing their plan. They were putting on their coats, shaking lightly in excitement. 

"I usually don't use my car but this seems like the right time to do so" said Chris, taking his keys with him. 

"Well there's not a lot to carry but it sure will be a lot faster and easier to do if we have a car" Ricky stated what was already pretty obvious. 

They walked down the stairs and exited the appartement complex. Soon enough, they were in Chris' car, driving in the crowded streets of New York. After following Ricky's directions for a few minutes, they had reached a poor looking neighborhood. Even if he was expecting the worse, Chris was still shocked by how decrepit the building he parked in front of looked. 

"Let's hurry up if we don't want any creeps to slit our throats" Ricky said, half joking. 

They hurried their way up to Ricky's appartement (even if the said man considered that place to be more of a box than anything else) and started gathering his belongings. The place didn't look as bad as you'd expect it to be because Ricky tried to decorate each room a little bit. He had a small bathroom that only had a shower, sink and toilet (obviously). The walls were covered with an old, moldy and almost peeled off beige wallpaper decorated with pink flowers that had faded off entirely. He also had a small bedroom and a living room that opened on a tiny kitchen that was the size of a pantry. His room was the most decent looking part of the "house". The walls were covered in posters, his bed was small and all black, like his only drawer. He also had a desk and a guitar stand in the corner of the room. No windows though. The living room was quite typical, a small couch, TV and coffee table. The walls looked disgusting as well. Let's not talk about the kitchen because it's not worth mentioning. Chris didn't really pay attention to his surroundings, he just took as many things as he could so they could leave as fast as possible. 

"Shouldn't we tell someone you're leaving?" Chris asked as he carried a pile of clothes. 

"Nah, they'll figure out I'm gone someday and won't even bother to try and contact me" 

After they had filled up the car as much as they could, they went back to Chr- I mean, their appartement to begin installing the raccoon boy in. First, they sorted all the things Chris shoved in the room Ricky had first visited when he was introduced to the appartement. In less than an hour they got rid of half the things that were in there. They tried to arrange the things they had brought but decided to just make piles and wait to bring in the furnitures before really doing anything. 

"Are you starting to get hungry yet?" Chris asked because he was obviously hungry as hungry can be.

"Now that you mention it, I'm starving " Ricky said, giggling. 


Hey this was pure shit too!

Baby It's Cold Outside [Cricky/multiship AU] // COMPLETED //Where stories live. Discover now