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I have so much work to do but here I am, uploading a new chapter. Enjoy!


Ricky's P.O.V

"Did you really have to fall in love with Ryan? Wake up Angelo, he's a massive loser, man!"

"And you, Ricky, are an excuse of a best friend!" said Ryan, angrily crossing his arms.

"Break it off you two. I think you guys have some explaining to do" said the always so happy Chris.

"Thank you, Ricky's boyfriend!" over dramatically said Ryan.

I just rolled my eyes, not wanting to argue anymore. I explained to him everything that happened to me since I met Chris (which means over a week ago).

"O-oh...oh! So he basically rescued you like you were a stray dog?"

"Y-yeah, if you want."

"Chris, you're a brave soul! (He laughed) He's a pain to live with!"

"No, not at all. He likes what I cook, he even helps me sometimes. He cleans his stuff without me telling him to, he can occupy himself when I'm busy and he's easy to entertain. I feel like I'm talking about a kid right now but in all seriousness, he's just a dream to live with." he giggled. I just blushed.

"If you say so. I lived with him for three months and I could not stand him" said Ryan.

"Shut up, it wasn't that bad. Now it's your turn. What has been going on?"

"Ok, so,he said as he was getting ready to tell a long story, I started seeing Angelo about a month ago. We would meet up at his house but he just got a roommate. Since that time we had to see eachother at my place so we wouldn't be interrupted by anyone. Last night we had a date but I locked myself outdside of my appartment. So, I thought hey! Rick is probably working at the bar tonight so let's go there."

"That's just plain stupid. How did you get in by the way? "

"Well I know you hid backup keys somewhere, I found them before meeting up with Ange and pretended I had my shit planned out...that's it." he said.

"Brilliant" said Chris, smiling.

"Thanks! By the way, I read all your texts Rick, I just wanted to ignore you for a while cuz you weren't answering mine" he said, winking.

"Ryan logic right there. Anyways, we have things to do so if you both could get out..." I said. By the time we got our explaining done, Angelo had drifted back to sleep.

"We could help!"

Oh shit.


I need to get this story going, yikes!

Baby It's Cold Outside [Cricky/multiship AU] // COMPLETED //Where stories live. Discover now